Liz Sayce Chief Executive of RADAR
www.radar.org.uk/ the UK's leading
pan disability organisation.
This afternoon, I attended my son's six monthly, Social Services review. In addition to myself, my son, both his foster parents and his class teacher, the usual Local Authority representatives were present, and I met my son's new Social Worker for the first time. Sadly, whilst welcoming her, I also said goodbye to my son's foster parents link worker, who I understand provided much needed support, supervision and advice for my son's foster parents. She will be a hard act to follow. Fortunately the reviewing officer, who has been involved in my son's case for quite some time, will remain. In fact she was warned, by my son's foster parents and myself, not to leave.
As has been the pattern for some time now, the review went well. During today's discussions, my son expressed his contentment, my son's school teacher expressed her satisfaction with my son's progress, My son's foster parents mentioned their happiness with my son and I praised my son's foster parents for their progressive, consistent, holistic and constructive approach to my son's wellbeing.
Tomorrow, I will be spending the day in Maidstone, Kent, participating in some media training with Rethink www.rethink.org/ who's work involves working together to help everyone affected by severe mental illness, including schizophrenia, to recover a better quality of life.
Just for today, I will spend this evening watching the 'For the Bible tells me so' documentary.
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