Monday 3 November 2008

Everybody Loves You If You're Bi.

I returned home, a few minutes ago, with the very catchy chorus, 'Everybody loves you if you're bi', revolving round in my head, from 'Living Colour's electrifyingly energetic performance, at the well attended Jazz Cafe.

Tonight, I recalled a SKIN Music performance which I attended, that was also outstanding.

I will be attending the Stonewall Awards, at the Victoria and Albert Museum, in three days time. Fantastic.

I am a member of the Shift Speakers Bureau, which is currently exploring the likely work around promoting members of the Shift Speakers Bureau to facilities in their local areas to act as speakers, trainers and ambassadors around mental health.


The Speakers Bureau was launched in the autumn of 2006 as a resource for journalists and others who were seeking case histories or ‘real people’ to talk about mental health issues. Over the last two years the Bureau has grown by about 25% following a new intake of speakers, mostly from the London area, in 2008. The Bureau is part of a wider anti-stigma and discrimination campaign called Shift, which is funded by the Department of Health.

Furner Communications role

Furner Communications has been running the Bureau almost since its inception, providing a response service to journalists and event organisers looking for case studies. Although funding comes from the Department of Health, the Bureau is subcontracted through the charity Mental Health Media.

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