Wednesday, I had a peaceful restful day.
I was pleased to be invited to attend a Lambeth Mind www.lambethmind.org.uk/ Hearing Voices event in Brixton, on Wednesday 26th November 2008.
What do you think?
Below is the link to view the Horizon programme, parts 1 & 2, on the BBC website. Please click below and look on the right hand side of web page for both watch again links.
Did you think the programme was demeaning? Challanged mental health stigma? Did it make an important point the journalist missed? Have your say.
Below is the link to view the Horizon programme, parts 1 & 2, on the BBC website. Please click below and look on the right hand side of web page for both watch again links.
Did you think the programme was demeaning? Challanged mental health stigma? Did it make an important point the journalist missed? Have your say.
At 14.15hrs on Wednesday afternoon, I was listening to the radio, Jeni Barnett on LBC 97.3 www.lbc.co.uk/ described as London's biggest conversation. Jeni Barnett mentioned that she had recently seen the theatre play 'FIT', written by Ricky Beadle-Blair. 'FIT' is a play about how we relate to each other including homophobia, relationship and conflict. Also on the radio show was Chris Gibbons, a representative from Stonewall www.stonewall.org.uk/ Chris Gibbons answered several questions from the station's phone-in and mentioned Fflag www.fflag.org.uk/ and Stonewall's Education for all Education for All campaign to tackle homophobia and homophobic bullying in schools. Chris informed listeners that there are plans to make 'FIT' in a d.v.d format, so that it would be accessible for schools with 11 to 16 year olds.
On Wednesday evening, I was in Putney, amongst seriously committed Christians, listening to the rather charming Revd Chris Eyden discussing the 'For the Bible tells me so' documentary film. On the way home I read parts of 'The Body's Grace'. A Lecture by Rowan Williams. www.lapidomedia.com/downloads/A_Wild_Constraint.pdf
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