This is draft (c) of my film. It is roughly six minutes in length.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
by the Beatles
Yesterday, the warm, compassionate, friendly and insightful Service which I attended, was lead by Revd. Sharon Ferguson and
and Revd. Elder Jean White

Yesterday, was the first time I had ever seen a British Sign Language, signing choir perform.
The MCC North London has such a choir and it's name is
Holy Hands

Yesterday, was the first time I had attended the Metropolitan Community Church North London

Yesterday I attended a World AIDS Day Service of Rememberence & Celebration .

By1pm Yesterday, I was in the company of Jill George, at the Jill George Gallery viewing the very interesting 'Coriander Studio' exhibition, which has artwork of artists, such as Sir Peter Blake and Damien Hirst
Yesterday, I had lunch with my dear friend, Birgit Rapp, in a nearby vegan buffet. We followed lunch with a visit to the National Portrait Gallery where we viewed the Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer's Life, 1990 -2005 exhibition. I found the photograph of Demi Moore in the latter stages of pregnancy compelling. It reminds me of Carolyn Cowan's photography. We went for a Haagen-dazs ice cream - well, I actually chose to have a sorbet, once we left the National Portrait Gallery.
Yesterday, I phoned my son, and had the shortest telephone conversation, that I have ever had with him.
Yesterday, I started my day, by participating in forty minutes of beautiful morning gongyo and chant, with a SGI-UK member in my district.
by The Beatles
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Associate Partners: Together.
Sybil Ah-mane & Russell Hall, directors of Flexible Films at last month's Inspired- Stories Mental Health internet tv launch.

Associate Partners
Together actively supports various other charitable bodies and are actively associated with developing new organisations.
Open Up e-bulletin - 28th November 2008
announced that the Open Up Website is Now Live.
Do you have experience of mental distress? Do you want to challenge mental health discrimination, and meet others who feel the same way? If you answered yes to either of the above, visit the new site,
Based on networking sites like Facebook, it is an interactive space where people who are interested in speaking out against mental health discrimination can support each other and share ideas. It is packed with resources and up-to-date information about activities going on nationally and in your area. It is also simple and easy to use, so people who use the internet often and first time users of the web will both find it helpful.
Let's encourage as many people to sign up to the site as possible, because it can’t grow without your help! Visit today and find out more about how you can get involved.
Are you Mad for Dance?
Following the great success of the "Mad for Arts", "Mad for Poetry" and "Mad for Music" series of films (in 2004, 2005 and 2007) working in partnership with Arts Council England, Media Trust Productions is now looking to make 5 new films about mental health and dance that will be shown in 2009 on Channel 5 and the Community Channel.
They are seeking people with experience of mental health issues to collaborate with - men and women of all ages with a variety of mental health problems and from different ethnic backgounds.
If you have a story about how dance helped you cope with your condition or how it reflects your mental health experience in some way please get in touch by emailing or by caling Eliana or Jane on 020 7217 3630.

Associate Partners
Together actively supports various other charitable bodies and are actively associated with developing new organisations.
The Outstanding
Open Up e-bulletin - 28th November 2008
announced that the Open Up Website is Now Live.
Do you have experience of mental distress? Do you want to challenge mental health discrimination, and meet others who feel the same way? If you answered yes to either of the above, visit the new site,
Based on networking sites like Facebook, it is an interactive space where people who are interested in speaking out against mental health discrimination can support each other and share ideas. It is packed with resources and up-to-date information about activities going on nationally and in your area. It is also simple and easy to use, so people who use the internet often and first time users of the web will both find it helpful.
Let's encourage as many people to sign up to the site as possible, because it can’t grow without your help! Visit today and find out more about how you can get involved.
In addition to other announcements made by the Open Up e-bulletin was the following:
Are you Mad for Dance?
Following the great success of the "Mad for Arts", "Mad for Poetry" and "Mad for Music" series of films (in 2004, 2005 and 2007) working in partnership with Arts Council England, Media Trust Productions is now looking to make 5 new films about mental health and dance that will be shown in 2009 on Channel 5 and the Community Channel.
They are seeking people with experience of mental health issues to collaborate with - men and women of all ages with a variety of mental health problems and from different ethnic backgounds.
If you have a story about how dance helped you cope with your condition or how it reflects your mental health experience in some way please get in touch by emailing or by caling Eliana or Jane on 020 7217 3630.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Is It Still Just Another Day In Paradise?
Here is a link to a post at the Independent by Maggie Gibbons, chief executive of Mental Health Media.
View LGCM's Youtube Christmas message
This afternoon, I had the serious pleasure of having a coffee - actually I had water and a lovely cake - with the gorgeous, and attached, Michael Timm. In his boyfriend's absence, Michael gave me some constructive suggestions regarding... the draft (b) of my film.

Phil Collins' and 'Another day in Paradise' begs a question that perhaps, Mary J Blige's cover of U2's, 'One' may hope to answer.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Another Great Toolkit.
In addition to the much loved and empowering Mental Health stigma and discrimination desolving website. I am overjoyed with the recent news of a new addition - in which I have also had the honour of contributing a quote.
Time to Change toolkit.
Today I also spent several fascinating hours, engage in the process of, editing my film.
'God's Property'

was one of the first Kirk Franklin tracks that I was exposed to.
'Lean on me'
was my preconceived idea of this genre -
with the exception of Bono
However, during one psychiatric hospital admission I was watching television and when I heard Will Young's 'Your game' I knew I had to purchase it. Judging by it's party in the park response, I wasn't alone.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
I Don't Believe In Coincidences.
As I write, I am listening to Kirk Franklin's Gonna be a Lovely Day I am fond of Kirk Franklin's music and like the fact that he works with artists such as Donnie McClurkin who seemed to have engaged in an openly homosexual past, and is now not without his critics
However, I digress.
Today was another splendid day, in which I attended Lambeth Mind's
preparation for it's first Hearing Voices group. The group with take place each Wednesday, arrival time 5.45pm. Terrific!
I was especially pleased today, to also have encountered the inspirational Dolly Sen and Rachel Waddingham (Studley)
This evening, I met someone that I can only now describe as, a natural heir for the role as Ambassador of Mental Health anti-stigma and anti-discrimination. I felt convinced about his aptness even though he had openly verbally stated that 'he doesn't do God'. I tried to put his suitability for this role to him -diplomatically, of course -during the questions and answer session of his talk. He replied that although he devotes some of his time to Mental Health issues, he is committed to his involvement with Leukemia Research
Who is this man? Perhaps the title of his debut novel 'All in the Mind' will provide a clue. Tonights event in the Queen Elizabeth Hall, SouthBank Centre, was publicised thus:
Alastair Campbell
Wednesday 26 November 2008, 7.30pm
Alastair Campbell discusses his life and career past, present and future, with a special focus on his debut novel, All in the Mind. Set in modern day London, it is the story of a psychiatrist, his patients and family, and the pressures they bring to bear upon each other. Drawing in part on his own experience of depression, alcohol problems and a breakdown 32 years ago, Campbell explores the limits of the human mind in what Stephen Fry, one of the first people to read the novel, describes as 'a compelling and unforgettable experience'. Campbell also takes questions from the audience, and the event is chaired by GMTV presenter, Fiona Phillips.'The subject of depression is laid out here with great skill and much humour. I loved this book' (Anne Robinson).
Wednesday 26 November 2008, 7.30pm
Alastair Campbell discusses his life and career past, present and future, with a special focus on his debut novel, All in the Mind. Set in modern day London, it is the story of a psychiatrist, his patients and family, and the pressures they bring to bear upon each other. Drawing in part on his own experience of depression, alcohol problems and a breakdown 32 years ago, Campbell explores the limits of the human mind in what Stephen Fry, one of the first people to read the novel, describes as 'a compelling and unforgettable experience'. Campbell also takes questions from the audience, and the event is chaired by GMTV presenter, Fiona Phillips.'The subject of depression is laid out here with great skill and much humour. I loved this book' (Anne Robinson).
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Who Takes Care Of The Carers?
Who takes care of the carers?
This is a question that I heard asked of my mother, as she - and less so, I - supported my Step-father in the latter years of his terminal illness. Prostate Cancer. During those years, my mother had much to think about. My son. Me and my mental health. Her uncertainty about the future. I believe that my mother's resiIience was, and is, due to her unwavering faith. Her friends and family that supported her practically and emotionally, especially at that time, could have been, and can perhaps still be viewed as not 'Job's comforters' but 'Job sitters'. I will however remain forever grateful to them. Two years have now passed, since my Step-father's death, and yet my mother never ceases to amaze me.
A few hours ago, I visited my CMHT (Community Mental Health Team) to collect my anti-psychotic 'Stella' medication. Whilst there, I spoke to Dr Kitty confirming my January 2009 appointment with her. I also conversed with Wendy - Grace's replacement - for the best part of an hour. Wendy has agreed - to visit me, complete with my anti-psychotic 'Stella' medication, at my office in Westminster, in two weeks for my next appointment.
I am over the moon that Kent News has published my comment regarding the BBC2 Horizon 'How Mad Are You?' programme.
Mental health charities defend controversial show
25 Nov 2008 ... Yvonne Stewart-Williams, Lambeth, London. TV News as it happens. Latest National News. 24 Hour UK & World News, Sport and Entertainment ...
This is a question that I heard asked of my mother, as she - and less so, I - supported my Step-father in the latter years of his terminal illness. Prostate Cancer. During those years, my mother had much to think about. My son. Me and my mental health. Her uncertainty about the future. I believe that my mother's resiIience was, and is, due to her unwavering faith. Her friends and family that supported her practically and emotionally, especially at that time, could have been, and can perhaps still be viewed as not 'Job's comforters' but 'Job sitters'. I will however remain forever grateful to them. Two years have now passed, since my Step-father's death, and yet my mother never ceases to amaze me.
A few hours ago, I visited my CMHT (Community Mental Health Team) to collect my anti-psychotic 'Stella' medication. Whilst there, I spoke to Dr Kitty confirming my January 2009 appointment with her. I also conversed with Wendy - Grace's replacement - for the best part of an hour. Wendy has agreed - to visit me, complete with my anti-psychotic 'Stella' medication, at my office in Westminster, in two weeks for my next appointment.
I am over the moon that Kent News has published my comment regarding the BBC2 Horizon 'How Mad Are You?' programme.
Mental health charities defend controversial show
25 Nov 2008 ... Yvonne Stewart-Williams, Lambeth, London. TV News as it happens. Latest National News. 24 Hour UK & World News, Sport and Entertainment ...
Monday, 24 November 2008
If You Influence Policy You Influence Practice.
Electoral Reform Society
The Electoral Reform Society is a campaign group based in the United Kingdom which promotes electoral reform. It was founded in January 1884 as the Proportional Representation Society by John Lubbock, the name was changed to Electoral Reform Society in 1958. It is believed to be the oldest organisation concerned with electoral systems in the world. The current Chief Executive is Ken Ritchie.
The Electoral Reform Society is a campaign group based in the United Kingdom which promotes electoral reform. It was founded in January 1884 as the Proportional Representation Society by John Lubbock, the name was changed to Electoral Reform Society in 1958. It is believed to be the oldest organisation concerned with electoral systems in the world. The current Chief Executive is Ken Ritchie.
Since it's formation the Electoral Reform Society
has promoted the use of the Single Transferable Vote (STV) in general elections. It also has many influences around the world in concern with electoral reformation. The mission of the Electoral Reform society is to secure an electoral system in the UK which it believes will:
Give all votes equal value
Give effective representation to all significant points of view within the electorate
Not have the problem of tactical voting and votes wasted.
Ensure the accountability of individual representatives to their electorates.
has promoted the use of the Single Transferable Vote (STV) in general elections. It also has many influences around the world in concern with electoral reformation. The mission of the Electoral Reform society is to secure an electoral system in the UK which it believes will:
Give all votes equal value
Give effective representation to all significant points of view within the electorate
Not have the problem of tactical voting and votes wasted.
Ensure the accountability of individual representatives to their electorates.

Mental Health Foundation
Founded in 1949, the Mental Health Foundation is a leading UK charity that provides information, carries out research, campaigns and works to improve services for anyone affected by mental health problems, whatever their age and wherever they live.
The Mental Health Foundation aim to help people survive, recover from and prevent mental health problems by:
learning what makes and keeps people mentally well
communicating their findings to a wide range of people and
turning their research into practical solutions that make a difference to people's lives.
learning what makes and keeps people mentally well
communicating their findings to a wide range of people and
turning their research into practical solutions that make a difference to people's lives.
Women, Politics and Election.

I have taken this amazing image of the House of Commons from the Electoral Reform Society issue No27 November 2008 Women's News bulletin.
In my opinion the recent BBC2 broadcast of Horizon's 'How Mad Are You?' was constructive, and will help to challenge mental health stigma.
I am feeling chuffed to have now received the first draft of the audio for my film
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Yesterday when my son told me that his favourite singer is Madonna and I wasn't surprised, as I know he has been fond of 'Like An Prayer for some time. When my son was younger, I bought the book 'The English Roses' written by Madonna, for him. I periodically read 'The English Roses' and 'The Selfish Giant' written by Oscar Wilde to my son. I am, myself also a fan of the film 'In Bed with Madonna' - Truth or Dare'
I was more surprised when my son also told me that he liked the band 'Talking Heads'
This is a picture that my son started
drawing for me yesterday,
but completed today.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Hearts & Minds.

My mother and son were delighted to see each other. My mother mentioned that Pansy, her cat, has had a litter of three. My mother has named the kittens Pepper, Ginger and Spice. We - my mother, my son and I - took a stroll to the shops to buy some more cat food for them.
I had a wonderful time with my son and mother, this afternoon, although this was the expected outcome, based upon my past experiences. The one almost spanner in the works, was Rock Hudson! My mother informed me that prior to my son and my arrival to her home, she was watching the film 'Pillow Talk' - a romantic comedy starring Rock Hudson and Doris Day - and
was enjoying it so much that she found it hard to be interrupted.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Courtney Pine.
Yesterday, was really special.
My film will show locations that mean, much to me. I started my day filming at St Georges' in Hanover Square, Mayfair followed by filming at Streatham Quaker Meeting House
In the evening, I listened to the young and talented 'Empirical' at the Barbican. Then time passed all too quickly, as I listened to the awesome genius, Courtney Pine perform, 'Tradition in Transition' . I can hardly wait for this c.d to be released in February 2009.
I inherit my deep appreciation of Jazz, from my mother. She loves to listen and dance to Jazz music. Some time ago, I accompanied my mother to see the enjoyable Cole Porter or or musical 'Anything Goes' in Drury Lane. She was delighted.
My mother's love for Jazz was inherited from her mother, Louise Stewart, nee Williams. Louise Stewart's appreciation of Jazz was inherited from her land,owning, Methodist Church attending, parents Robert Williams and Margorie Williams, nee Reid.
I look forward to seeing Courtney Pine perform at the 2009, London Jazz Festival. Perhaps my mother may also be able to attend.
My film will show locations that mean, much to me. I started my day filming at St Georges' in Hanover Square, Mayfair followed by filming at Streatham Quaker Meeting House
In the evening, I listened to the young and talented 'Empirical' at the Barbican. Then time passed all too quickly, as I listened to the awesome genius, Courtney Pine perform, 'Tradition in Transition' . I can hardly wait for this c.d to be released in February 2009.
I inherit my deep appreciation of Jazz, from my mother. She loves to listen and dance to Jazz music. Some time ago, I accompanied my mother to see the enjoyable Cole Porter or or musical 'Anything Goes' in Drury Lane. She was delighted.
My mother's love for Jazz was inherited from her mother, Louise Stewart, nee Williams. Louise Stewart's appreciation of Jazz was inherited from her land,owning, Methodist Church attending, parents Robert Williams and Margorie Williams, nee Reid.
I look forward to seeing Courtney Pine perform at the 2009, London Jazz Festival. Perhaps my mother may also be able to attend.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Call Sheet.
Today I am in good cheer.
At 8.00hrs, I will follow my call sheet leading me into a gentle day of filming, as part of the Open Up Sharing Experience - Raising Awareness - Challenging Discrimination with Mental Health Media. This filming is also part of the Time to Change - Let's end mental health discrimination. Inspiring people to work together to end the discrimination surrounding mental health campaign.
By this evening, I will be seated in the Barbican Hall absorbing Courtney Pine's musicianship, during the London Jazz Festival in association with BBC Radio 3
At 8.00hrs, I will follow my call sheet leading me into a gentle day of filming, as part of the Open Up Sharing Experience - Raising Awareness - Challenging Discrimination with Mental Health Media. This filming is also part of the Time to Change - Let's end mental health discrimination. Inspiring people to work together to end the discrimination surrounding mental health campaign.
By this evening, I will be seated in the Barbican Hall absorbing Courtney Pine's musicianship, during the London Jazz Festival in association with BBC Radio 3
The Body's Grace. A Lecture by Rowan Williams.

Wednesday, I had a peaceful restful day.
I was pleased to be invited to attend a Lambeth Mind Hearing Voices event in Brixton, on Wednesday 26th November 2008.
What do you think?
Below is the link to view the Horizon programme, parts 1 & 2, on the BBC website. Please click below and look on the right hand side of web page for both watch again links.
Did you think the programme was demeaning? Challanged mental health stigma? Did it make an important point the journalist missed? Have your say.
Below is the link to view the Horizon programme, parts 1 & 2, on the BBC website. Please click below and look on the right hand side of web page for both watch again links.
Did you think the programme was demeaning? Challanged mental health stigma? Did it make an important point the journalist missed? Have your say.
At 14.15hrs on Wednesday afternoon, I was listening to the radio, Jeni Barnett on LBC 97.3 described as London's biggest conversation. Jeni Barnett mentioned that she had recently seen the theatre play 'FIT', written by Ricky Beadle-Blair. 'FIT' is a play about how we relate to each other including homophobia, relationship and conflict. Also on the radio show was Chris Gibbons, a representative from Stonewall Chris Gibbons answered several questions from the station's phone-in and mentioned Fflag and Stonewall's Education for all Education for All campaign to tackle homophobia and homophobic bullying in schools. Chris informed listeners that there are plans to make 'FIT' in a d.v.d format, so that it would be accessible for schools with 11 to 16 year olds.
On Wednesday evening, I was in Putney, amongst seriously committed Christians, listening to the rather charming Revd Chris Eyden discussing the 'For the Bible tells me so' documentary film. On the way home I read parts of 'The Body's Grace'. A Lecture by Rowan Williams.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Paul Jenkins, Rethink Chief Executive.
Rethink: New chief executive pledges to put mental health in the ...
Mental health charity Rethink today (27th September) announced the appointment of Paul Jenkins as its new chief executive.$452992...
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Rethink: New chief executive pledges to put mental health in the mainstream
Wednesday, 27, Sep 2006 12:00
Mental health charity Rethink today (27th September) announced the appointment of Paul Jenkins as its new chief executive.
Paul Jenkins is currently Director of Service Development at the NHS Direct Special Health Authority and will join the campaigning mental health membership charity on January 1st 2007.
He takes up the post at a crucial period for the country’s largest voluntary sector provider of mental health services and for mental health more generally.
Paul Jenkins said that he had four immediate aims:
Ensuring continued government support for mental health as a key priority for investment and modernisation
Intensifying Rethink’s campaign to raise awareness around mental health and combat the discrimination faced by people with severe mental illness
Growing Rethink’s membership amongst people directly affected by mental illness and their carers
Securing the charity’s future in a difficult and volatile market for voluntary sector service providers by forging new partnerships and expanding its areas of activities
Paul Jenkins said: “Mental health stands at a crossroads. Behind us is a history of crisis and compulsion; long years when millions of people experienced the worst of mental health care – locked away, forgotten, abused. In front us, is a future that is now realisable – where people with mental health problems, however severe, can have real hope of recovering a full and meaningful life.
“Close to a decade of major investment in mental health services, advances in our understanding of mental health problems and its successful treatment and an increasingly assertive attitude from ‘consumers’ of mental health services are combining to lay the foundations of a future where recovering a full and meaningful life from mental health problems is the norm rather than the exception.
“I am determined that Rethink will play its full part, in partnership with the wider mental health world, in realising that future, and placing mental health in the mainstream of public concern and action.”
Outgoing chief executive Cliff Prior said: “Paul is an outstanding choice and I wish him well in what is a hugely demanding but equally rewarding role.”
Notes to editors
To arrange interviews with Paul Jenkins or for further information, please contact Paul Corry, Director of Public Affairs on 020 7330 9110 / 07775 585178 or Alita Howe, Media Officer on 020 7330 9149 / 07918 660760.
A high resolution image of Paul Jenkins is available on request.
Rethink’s present chief executive Cliff Prior leaves the charity after nine years on October 18th to become chief executive of UnLtd – the foundation for social entrepreneurs.
Rethink has over 8,000 individual members and operates over 350 services in England Northern Ireland. It employs 1,400 staff and works with over 5,000 people with severe mental illness each day.
Its turnover in 2005-6 was £43 million.
Paul Jenkins – biography
Paul Jenkins has over 20 years experience of management and policy-making in central government and the National Health Service.
Over the last eight years, he has been responsible for the establishment and development of NHS Direct, the ground breaking telephone and internet based health service. He is currently Director of Service Development for NHS Direct. In June 2002 he was awarded and OBE for his role in setting up NHS Direct.
Paul’s previous experience includes leading national policy on long term and continuing care in the NHS. He has been involved in the implementation of a number of major change programmes including the Next Steps Programme, establishing Executive Agencies in Government and the 1993 Community Care reforms.
Paul is 43, and is married with two children. His interests include archaeology, hill walking and following the fortunes of the Welsh rugby team.
For more information contact:
Paul Corry, Director of Public Affairs: tel 020 7330 9110, mobile 07775 585178
Alita Howe, Media Officer: tel 020 7330 9149, mobile 07918 660760
About Rethink severe mental illness
Rethink, the leading national mental health membership charity, works to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life. We aim to provide hope and empowerment through effective services and support to all those who need us and campaign for change through greater awareness and understanding.
For further information on the charity and its work, visit: or call 0845 456 0455.
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The Royal College of Midwives is the professional association and trade union representing 95 per cent of all the UK’s practising midwives.
Opinion Former Comment
CML media note on today’s issue of 'news & views'
It was a big rate cut – and it created an even bigger row about the extent to which banks and building societies should “pass it on.”
NFU Cymru centenary conference - 100 not out
ABI: Barclays placed on red top by IVIS
Competition has teamed up with Sky News to give you a chance to win the 2008 party conference season’s “must have” – political top trumps.
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Mental health charity Rethink today (27th September) announced the appointment of Paul Jenkins as its new chief executive.$452992...
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Rethink: New chief executive pledges to put mental health in the mainstream
Wednesday, 27, Sep 2006 12:00
Mental health charity Rethink today (27th September) announced the appointment of Paul Jenkins as its new chief executive.
Paul Jenkins is currently Director of Service Development at the NHS Direct Special Health Authority and will join the campaigning mental health membership charity on January 1st 2007.
He takes up the post at a crucial period for the country’s largest voluntary sector provider of mental health services and for mental health more generally.
Paul Jenkins said that he had four immediate aims:
Ensuring continued government support for mental health as a key priority for investment and modernisation
Intensifying Rethink’s campaign to raise awareness around mental health and combat the discrimination faced by people with severe mental illness
Growing Rethink’s membership amongst people directly affected by mental illness and their carers
Securing the charity’s future in a difficult and volatile market for voluntary sector service providers by forging new partnerships and expanding its areas of activities
Paul Jenkins said: “Mental health stands at a crossroads. Behind us is a history of crisis and compulsion; long years when millions of people experienced the worst of mental health care – locked away, forgotten, abused. In front us, is a future that is now realisable – where people with mental health problems, however severe, can have real hope of recovering a full and meaningful life.
“Close to a decade of major investment in mental health services, advances in our understanding of mental health problems and its successful treatment and an increasingly assertive attitude from ‘consumers’ of mental health services are combining to lay the foundations of a future where recovering a full and meaningful life from mental health problems is the norm rather than the exception.
“I am determined that Rethink will play its full part, in partnership with the wider mental health world, in realising that future, and placing mental health in the mainstream of public concern and action.”
Outgoing chief executive Cliff Prior said: “Paul is an outstanding choice and I wish him well in what is a hugely demanding but equally rewarding role.”
Notes to editors
To arrange interviews with Paul Jenkins or for further information, please contact Paul Corry, Director of Public Affairs on 020 7330 9110 / 07775 585178 or Alita Howe, Media Officer on 020 7330 9149 / 07918 660760.
A high resolution image of Paul Jenkins is available on request.
Rethink’s present chief executive Cliff Prior leaves the charity after nine years on October 18th to become chief executive of UnLtd – the foundation for social entrepreneurs.
Rethink has over 8,000 individual members and operates over 350 services in England Northern Ireland. It employs 1,400 staff and works with over 5,000 people with severe mental illness each day.
Its turnover in 2005-6 was £43 million.
Paul Jenkins – biography
Paul Jenkins has over 20 years experience of management and policy-making in central government and the National Health Service.
Over the last eight years, he has been responsible for the establishment and development of NHS Direct, the ground breaking telephone and internet based health service. He is currently Director of Service Development for NHS Direct. In June 2002 he was awarded and OBE for his role in setting up NHS Direct.
Paul’s previous experience includes leading national policy on long term and continuing care in the NHS. He has been involved in the implementation of a number of major change programmes including the Next Steps Programme, establishing Executive Agencies in Government and the 1993 Community Care reforms.
Paul is 43, and is married with two children. His interests include archaeology, hill walking and following the fortunes of the Welsh rugby team.
For more information contact:
Paul Corry, Director of Public Affairs: tel 020 7330 9110, mobile 07775 585178
Alita Howe, Media Officer: tel 020 7330 9149, mobile 07918 660760
About Rethink severe mental illness
Rethink, the leading national mental health membership charity, works to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life. We aim to provide hope and empowerment through effective services and support to all those who need us and campaign for change through greater awareness and understanding.
For further information on the charity and its work, visit: or call 0845 456 0455.
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Royal College of Midwives
The Royal College of Midwives is the professional association and trade union representing 95 per cent of all the UK’s practising midwives.
Opinion Former Comment
CML media note on today’s issue of 'news & views'
It was a big rate cut – and it created an even bigger row about the extent to which banks and building societies should “pass it on.”
NFU Cymru centenary conference - 100 not out
ABI: Barclays placed on red top by IVIS
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Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Mental Health Media.

Chief Executive
Paul Jenkins, Rethink
Chief Executive
Today I had the pleasure, of attending a meeting at the Mental Health Media's Islington offices, followed by another productive meeting in Westminster, where Paul Jenkins was also present.
This evening I dined at then chilled out for a while at before heading home.
Lambeth LGBT Forum.
To find a photograph of me, log into the Lambeth forum website, select 'site menu', then 'photos', then 'Hate Crime Roadshow 06'.
I am overjoyed to have been informed by Kieran Casey, Lambeth LGBT Forum Co-ordinator, that he is aiming to have the Lambeth LGBT forum re-launched at the start of next year.
In recent days, someone suggested that I read the book 'Out of Place' by Esperanza (Mayuki or Miyuki). During my unsuccessful search for this book, I found this engaging performance:
YouTube - takarazuka - La Esperanza
Suzukake Miyuki, former Hanagumi musumeyaku and classmate of Osa, retired together .... 01:32 From: AiNoSonata. Views: 41022. LA ESPERANZA EN CAMPANA 2007 ...
Suzukake Miyuki, former Hanagumi musumeyaku and classmate of Osa, retired together .... 01:32 From: AiNoSonata. Views: 41022. LA ESPERANZA EN CAMPANA 2007 ...
Monday, 17 November 2008
'How To Be Happy.'
Lady Randy.
An hour ago, I watched the 'Lady Randy, Churchill's mother', documentary film, which was broadcasted on Channel 4, at 21.00hrs on Tuesday 11th November 2008. Funnily enough, at 7pm on Tuesday 11th November, I had attended a lecture by Professor Geoffrey Best, titled 'Churchill's Women'. The lecture was publicised thus:
"Throughout his life Churchill depended on the support of a series of strong and interesting women: nurse, mother, wife, daughters, secretaries and dear friends. Professor Geoffrey Best discusses the nature of these relationships and the paradox that, though he evidently needed the cosseting of these women to such an extent that he could not have lived without them, in his public life they seem to have mattered to him not at all."
I found this lecture by Professor Geoffrey Best, who is described as "one of Britain's most distinguished historians. His many books include War and Law since 1945, Humanity in Warfare and Mid-Victorian Britain. He has been Professor of History at the Universities of Edinburgh and Sussex, and a Visiting Fellow at Harvard and Chicago. He is currently a Senior Member of St Antony's College, Oxford." Engaging, insightful and helpful.
I was extremely pleased when Professor Geoffrey Best, autographed his book 'Churchill' a study of Greatness, for my son.
"Throughout his life Churchill depended on the support of a series of strong and interesting women: nurse, mother, wife, daughters, secretaries and dear friends. Professor Geoffrey Best discusses the nature of these relationships and the paradox that, though he evidently needed the cosseting of these women to such an extent that he could not have lived without them, in his public life they seem to have mattered to him not at all."
I found this lecture by Professor Geoffrey Best, who is described as "one of Britain's most distinguished historians. His many books include War and Law since 1945, Humanity in Warfare and Mid-Victorian Britain. He has been Professor of History at the Universities of Edinburgh and Sussex, and a Visiting Fellow at Harvard and Chicago. He is currently a Senior Member of St Antony's College, Oxford." Engaging, insightful and helpful.
I was extremely pleased when Professor Geoffrey Best, autographed his book 'Churchill' a study of Greatness, for my son.
Sunday, 16 November 2008
The Believers.
The Believers
Set against the story of the Transcendence Gospel Choir's founding, the documentary reveals the lives of its members, including Tom, once a radical lesbian ...
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Believers, The
Todd Holland 2006 80 min. USA
Recipient of the Frameline 30 Audience Award for Best Documentary and of a 2005 Frameline Film & Video Completion Fund grant, The Believers is an unprecedented feature documentary that shatters assumptions about faith, gender, and religion. Built around the world's first transgender gospel choir, the film portrays the choir's dilemma - how to reconcile their gender identity with the widespread belief that changing one's gender goes against the word of God. Set against the story of the Transcendence Gospel Choir's founding, the documentary reveals the lives of its members, including Tom, once a radical lesbian feminist; Ashley, choir founder and professional sound engineer; and Bobby, a recovering drug addict and former sex worker. The film takes us from the Transcendence Gospel Choir's shaky beginnings - a heartwarmingly chaotic, cacophonous group unable to agree on much of anything, arguing over appropriate wardrobe and learning to sing with transitioning voices - through their transformation into the polished, award-winning choir and close-knit family they are today, garnering major performances and winning an Outmusic Award in 2004 for the album Whosoever Believes.The intimate personal stories shed light on the complexity of balancing social change, family history, religion and identity. At the heart of their dilemma is a struggle for acceptance within two worlds historically at odds with one another. As one of the film's subjects eloquently says, "I'm living in a window. I get to see both sides."The Believers is a unique story of determination and perseverance and an important look at the intricacy and diversity of spirituality and the LGBT community.For more information about the Transcendence Gospel Choir, please visit their website CONTACT FRAMELINE FOR RENTAL RATES
Item Name
Believers, The - DVD
Check the items you wish to purchase, then click
Reviews / Awards:
Jury Award, Best Transgender Film, Long Island Gay & Lesbian Film FestivalAudience Award, Best Full Length Documentary, Long Island Gay & Lesbian Film FestivalFrameline Film & Video Completion Fund GrantAudeince Award, Best Documentary, San Francisco International LGBT Film FestivalRunner-up, Elle Flanders Documentary Award for Best Documentary Film or Video, Toronto Lesbian & Gay Film & Video Festival". . .director Todd Holland’s The Believers offers a rousing, compelling portrait of the most unique performers in contemporary Christian music: San Francisco’s Transcendence Gospel Choir, the world’s first (and, to date, only) professional gospel choir consisting of transgendered singers…the true power of The Believers lies in watching this diverse mix of personalities unite into a single force of spiritual musicality---even though, at times, the disagreements between members makes the film feel like a cross-dressing gospel version of Let It Be. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED."- Video Librarian“The Believers provides a unique teaching tool for faith communities to begin to understand the lives and struggles of transgender people from a faith-based perspective.” - The Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing"...The Believers, a documentary that charts the formation of the Transcendence transgender choir, is at heart an old-fashioned success story -- through hard work, adversity and perseverance, the choir finds itself reaching unexpected heights. While charting the course of the choir, The Believers also delves into the personal histories of some of the choir members, both male-to-female and female-to-male. These provide some of the films most emotional moments, from Ashley's harrowing tale of escaping from her shotgun-carrying father to Bobbie Jean's visit to her ambivalent-yet-loving Memphis family. The look on Bobbie Jean's aunt's face when she realizes that there are also women who become men is priceless." - Metro Weekly"Music soothes the savage beast, and in this case, that beast is intolerance... Despite the difficulties of their daily lives, the chorus members look to the music and the ministry of singing to help heal themselves and their audiences. Transcendence is made up of both male-to-female and female-to-male transgender people, which makes the squabbles between gay men and lesbians seem paltry in comparison to the ability of this mixed gender group (in more ways than one) to focus and get along...After numerous rehearsals, the chorus' sound finally clicked (in the early days, the non-transgender conductor said, "God, they can't sing. How am I gonna do this?"). They even performed at the United Church of Christ's 2003 international synod, also testifying before a committee on the necessity of including transgender inclusive and affirming language as part of the church rhetoric. (In a triumphant moment for the chorus and for transgender Christians, this measure did pass.) Music made inroads where regular speech failed, allowing them to become part of a decision-making body that, because of their voices, sent a landmark message to churches and Christians around the world. Now, that's a good tune."- The Washington Blade“The Believers was shown at Lincoln Congregational Temple United Church of Christ, an historic African-American congregation dating back to the mid 19th century which is being revitalized as a multiracial, multicultural, Open and Affirming ministry…Lincoln Temple worked in partnership which a number of other churches and groups...About 100 people turned out for the screening, including clergy and leaders from many of the partner groups and churches…The audience was very vocal and demonstrative in response to the film and erupted into applause at the conclusion...The comments/discussion from the audience mostly focused on admiration for Transcendence and also for the United Church of Christ and its witness of justice regarding LGBT persons and All God's Children…I hope that our showing helps to generate more interest in this wonderful film. I think our showing was meaningful to many, based on the audience reaction and emails I have received before the showing and after. One can't ask for much more than that. Blessings & Shalom...” - Deacon Charles Keener, Lincoln Congregational Temple United Church of Christ“The Believers is a fascinating and sympathetic exploration of the very complex relationships between the members of the Transcendence Gospel Choir…a powerful ambassador for the gay, lesbian and transgender community. In 2003 the General Synod of the United Church of Christ, a coalition of some 6600 Christian churches, invited the choir to perform and testify at their annual meeting. The Synod passed two resolutions, one affirming transgender ministry and the second denouncing violence directed at the transgendered. Shortly after this seminal event, the group‘s CD Whosoever Believes won the 2004 Outmusic award for “Outstanding New Recording-Chorus or Choir.” The Believers is an intimate look at a segment of society who is either scorned or about whom many are simply ignorant. This revealing and enlightening documentary should go a long way toward ameliorating this situation. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.”- Patricia B. McGee, Coordinator of Media Services, Volpe Library & Media Center, Tennessee Technological University, for EMRO (Educational Media Reviews Online).Read the entire review HERESpecial Pricing:
Discounted pricing is available to organizations that qualify! Click HERE to find out more.
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Browse for more products in the same category as this item:African American/Black StudiesDisclosureDocumentaryGender StudiesGay and Lesbian Rights MovementIdentityMusicReligionSocial IssuesTransgenderWomen's StudiesSpiritualityRepresentationFamilyHolland, Todd2006
Set against the story of the Transcendence Gospel Choir's founding, the documentary reveals the lives of its members, including Tom, once a radical lesbian ...
Top of Form
Believers, The
Todd Holland 2006 80 min. USA
Recipient of the Frameline 30 Audience Award for Best Documentary and of a 2005 Frameline Film & Video Completion Fund grant, The Believers is an unprecedented feature documentary that shatters assumptions about faith, gender, and religion. Built around the world's first transgender gospel choir, the film portrays the choir's dilemma - how to reconcile their gender identity with the widespread belief that changing one's gender goes against the word of God. Set against the story of the Transcendence Gospel Choir's founding, the documentary reveals the lives of its members, including Tom, once a radical lesbian feminist; Ashley, choir founder and professional sound engineer; and Bobby, a recovering drug addict and former sex worker. The film takes us from the Transcendence Gospel Choir's shaky beginnings - a heartwarmingly chaotic, cacophonous group unable to agree on much of anything, arguing over appropriate wardrobe and learning to sing with transitioning voices - through their transformation into the polished, award-winning choir and close-knit family they are today, garnering major performances and winning an Outmusic Award in 2004 for the album Whosoever Believes.The intimate personal stories shed light on the complexity of balancing social change, family history, religion and identity. At the heart of their dilemma is a struggle for acceptance within two worlds historically at odds with one another. As one of the film's subjects eloquently says, "I'm living in a window. I get to see both sides."The Believers is a unique story of determination and perseverance and an important look at the intricacy and diversity of spirituality and the LGBT community.For more information about the Transcendence Gospel Choir, please visit their website CONTACT FRAMELINE FOR RENTAL RATES
Item Name
Believers, The - DVD
Check the items you wish to purchase, then click
Reviews / Awards:
Jury Award, Best Transgender Film, Long Island Gay & Lesbian Film FestivalAudience Award, Best Full Length Documentary, Long Island Gay & Lesbian Film FestivalFrameline Film & Video Completion Fund GrantAudeince Award, Best Documentary, San Francisco International LGBT Film FestivalRunner-up, Elle Flanders Documentary Award for Best Documentary Film or Video, Toronto Lesbian & Gay Film & Video Festival". . .director Todd Holland’s The Believers offers a rousing, compelling portrait of the most unique performers in contemporary Christian music: San Francisco’s Transcendence Gospel Choir, the world’s first (and, to date, only) professional gospel choir consisting of transgendered singers…the true power of The Believers lies in watching this diverse mix of personalities unite into a single force of spiritual musicality---even though, at times, the disagreements between members makes the film feel like a cross-dressing gospel version of Let It Be. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED."- Video Librarian“The Believers provides a unique teaching tool for faith communities to begin to understand the lives and struggles of transgender people from a faith-based perspective.” - The Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing"...The Believers, a documentary that charts the formation of the Transcendence transgender choir, is at heart an old-fashioned success story -- through hard work, adversity and perseverance, the choir finds itself reaching unexpected heights. While charting the course of the choir, The Believers also delves into the personal histories of some of the choir members, both male-to-female and female-to-male. These provide some of the films most emotional moments, from Ashley's harrowing tale of escaping from her shotgun-carrying father to Bobbie Jean's visit to her ambivalent-yet-loving Memphis family. The look on Bobbie Jean's aunt's face when she realizes that there are also women who become men is priceless." - Metro Weekly"Music soothes the savage beast, and in this case, that beast is intolerance... Despite the difficulties of their daily lives, the chorus members look to the music and the ministry of singing to help heal themselves and their audiences. Transcendence is made up of both male-to-female and female-to-male transgender people, which makes the squabbles between gay men and lesbians seem paltry in comparison to the ability of this mixed gender group (in more ways than one) to focus and get along...After numerous rehearsals, the chorus' sound finally clicked (in the early days, the non-transgender conductor said, "God, they can't sing. How am I gonna do this?"). They even performed at the United Church of Christ's 2003 international synod, also testifying before a committee on the necessity of including transgender inclusive and affirming language as part of the church rhetoric. (In a triumphant moment for the chorus and for transgender Christians, this measure did pass.) Music made inroads where regular speech failed, allowing them to become part of a decision-making body that, because of their voices, sent a landmark message to churches and Christians around the world. Now, that's a good tune."- The Washington Blade“The Believers was shown at Lincoln Congregational Temple United Church of Christ, an historic African-American congregation dating back to the mid 19th century which is being revitalized as a multiracial, multicultural, Open and Affirming ministry…Lincoln Temple worked in partnership which a number of other churches and groups...About 100 people turned out for the screening, including clergy and leaders from many of the partner groups and churches…The audience was very vocal and demonstrative in response to the film and erupted into applause at the conclusion...The comments/discussion from the audience mostly focused on admiration for Transcendence and also for the United Church of Christ and its witness of justice regarding LGBT persons and All God's Children…I hope that our showing helps to generate more interest in this wonderful film. I think our showing was meaningful to many, based on the audience reaction and emails I have received before the showing and after. One can't ask for much more than that. Blessings & Shalom...” - Deacon Charles Keener, Lincoln Congregational Temple United Church of Christ“The Believers is a fascinating and sympathetic exploration of the very complex relationships between the members of the Transcendence Gospel Choir…a powerful ambassador for the gay, lesbian and transgender community. In 2003 the General Synod of the United Church of Christ, a coalition of some 6600 Christian churches, invited the choir to perform and testify at their annual meeting. The Synod passed two resolutions, one affirming transgender ministry and the second denouncing violence directed at the transgendered. Shortly after this seminal event, the group‘s CD Whosoever Believes won the 2004 Outmusic award for “Outstanding New Recording-Chorus or Choir.” The Believers is an intimate look at a segment of society who is either scorned or about whom many are simply ignorant. This revealing and enlightening documentary should go a long way toward ameliorating this situation. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.”- Patricia B. McGee, Coordinator of Media Services, Volpe Library & Media Center, Tennessee Technological University, for EMRO (Educational Media Reviews Online).Read the entire review HERESpecial Pricing:
Discounted pricing is available to organizations that qualify! Click HERE to find out more.
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Browse for more products in the same category as this item:African American/Black StudiesDisclosureDocumentaryGender StudiesGay and Lesbian Rights MovementIdentityMusicReligionSocial IssuesTransgenderWomen's StudiesSpiritualityRepresentationFamilyHolland, Todd2006
Saturday, 15 November 2008
QUNO - Geneva.
This afternoon, I attended a Quaker Area Meeting at Croydon Friends Meeting. Whilst there, I met a woman who had worked at the QUNO (Quaker United Nations Office) in Geneva. I am so pleased to have met her and found that I was able to clarify further, my role with the Quaker Peaceworkers for my local Quaker meeting.
I feel fortunate to have acquired a copy of the No 119, December 2007 QLGF Newsletter of the Quaker Lesbian and Gay Fellowship. I felt enormous satisfaction to have found that it contained an article about the Revd Sharon Ferguson of LGCM.
I am also thrilled to have found the Transcendence Gospel Choir's film 'The Believers' and their c.d
World Peace Day
21 September
Mad About The Media. who are media solutions
to the third sector.
Yesterday, I attended the excellent Rethink 'Mad about the media' training, in Maidstone. Gideon Burrows was one of the main facilitators.
Thomas Beatie,23599,23482682-401,00.html after giving birth to his daughter is allegedly now expecting baby No2. Fantastic news! If this is the case.
Last night I watched the intensely gripping film 'Hunger' at the Curzon cinema in Soho.
And yes, the documentary film 'For the Bible tells me so' is a must have!
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