Friday, 31 October 2008
A Positive Impact.
I hope to end this year by attending at least two additional live music concerts, Living Colour and Angie Stone both at the Jazz Cafe
Today is my day off as I will be working this weekend. This morning, I have an appointment at Morris Roots
This afternoon, I will be going to the Dulwich Picture Gallery to view the 'What Are You Like? Self-revealing artworks by forty people in the public eye' exhibition.
This evening, I will be attending a film showing of 'More Than Skin Deep - Black Germany: A view from the Arts' at Nettleford Hall. This event has been organised as part of the Lambeth Black History Month 2008
Tonight, I will be present for 'The Night Shift' at the Southbank Centre It is decribed as being 'Classical Music: Minus the Rules'
I am now listening to 'All I want is you' from the 'Rattle and Hum' u2 c.d, and looking forward to the rest of the day.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Exercising Some Growth In My Life.
I am extremely pleased, to have been able to book tickets for my son and myself to see the forthcoming performances of 'The Little Prince' by Antoine de Saint-Exupery at Hampstead Theatre and 'Hansel and Gretel' at Theatre Royal, Stratford East
I am also delighted to have timetable and dates finalised, for a (Your Stories) short film, in which I will be featured, with Open Up support, during my November 2008, annual leave.
I am thrilled to have received my ticket for the 3rd Stonewall Awards which will take place at the V&A museum, on Thursday 6th November 2008.
I feel honoured to have received my official invitation, for the reception being hosted by The Rt Hon Harriet Harman QC MP, at the House of Commons, on Monday 3rd November 2008.
I also feel lucky to have been able to book an appointment, for tomorrow morning, at my 'Morris Roots' hairdressers.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
It's Not All Or Nothing, It Degrees.
I ended the day, watching the extremely enjoyable, appropriate and well attended performance of 'American Briefs' at Above The Stag Theatre
The proceeds of last night's performance will be donated to Stonewall
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Open Up News.
Mental Health Media joining forces with Mind.
We are pleased to announce that our parent charity, Mental Health Media, has taken the decision to join forces with Mind. We hope that the merger will put a powerful infrastructure behind our work giving a strong voice to people with direct experience of mental distress.
Combining expertise and sharing their vast networks will provide both charities with a solid footing to empower people with experience of mental distress through projects such as Open Up. Open Up will remain part of the Time to Change campaign and its work will not be affected by the merger.
Mental Health Media's Chief Executive Maggie Gibbons said: "We're delighted to be working with Mind. We want to reach more people with mental health problems and work alongside them to understand what they are experiencing and to enable them to develop a powerful voice."
For more details please visit our website on
Regional Events
Southwark Mind's Kindred Minds project presents "DOING IT FOR OURSELVES" - a creative space for service users/ survivors from black and minority ethnic communities across London to celebrate identity and culture. WEDNESDAY 29th OCTOBER 2008. 10am - 5pm, Morley College, 61 Westminster Bridge Road, SE1 7HT
Inspirational talks, creative workshops, film-making, holistic therapies.... Open to all black and minority ethnic users/ survivors of the mental health system. PLACES ARE FREE BUT LIMITED, BOOKING ESSENTIAL email or phone 020 7277 2086 to reserve your place, stating whether you need creche facilities or have other particular access needs.
Gerald Francis O’Dowd and Kevin Antony O’Dowd present their first solo exhibition at the Citizens Gallery Woolwich, 151 Powis Street, SE18 6JL. From 28th – 31st October, including paintings, sculpture, photography and poetry. For more information please call 020 8855 3240.
Monday, 27 October 2008
The Serenity Prayer.
God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things that I cannot change,
the Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
'Trust Through Friendship, Peace Through Trust'
It started with my regular morning attendance at my local Quaker meeting. Today, during some of the silence, I was reading the No 68 Autumn 2008, 'Quaker News', which is a quarterly update on Quaker work in the care of Britain Yearly Meeting. As I read the article titled 'Launching the next generation of peaceworkers', I was interested and started to muse on thoughts of positioning myself, more in the centre 'of the Quaker bed'.
At the end of the meeting for worship, an anouncement was made which offered the opportunity for involvement with the 'Make a mark for peace: Quaker peaceworkers appeal 2008-2009. I decided to offer my services, and thankfully my offer was accepted.
After staying to converse over a cup of herbal tea, I made my way to the SGI-UK South London National Centre (SLNC) to do daimoku (chant) for half an hour. Whilst at the SLNC I purchased issue no 87, September 2008, 'Art of Living', a Buddhist magazine. This issue is titled 'Sharing the heart of the Buddha'.
In my SGI-UK district, we practice 'Kosen-rufu' on the first Sunday of each month. Kosen-rufu means, to secure lasting peace through spreading the teachings and values of Nichiren Buddhism.
Saturday, 25 October 2008
From The Mouths Of Babes.
When I arrived at my son's home, he was in the middle of building some small lego vehicles. After he finished this activity, he showed me the book that he is currently reading: 'Dragon' by Hilary McKay. I was impressed.
True to form, and at my son's request, we started our afternoon together by going to McDonald's. We then chose to take the buses to 'The Cartoon Museum' Our attendance at 'The Cartoon Museum', today allowed us to enjoy the Beano and Dandy 70th Birthday Bash, which is on until 2nd November 2008. As well as this treat, we were also able to view the wider museum. My son was very interested in quite a number, of the early cartoons, and spent time reading many of them, out loud and laughing.
We then made our way to 'The Cabinet War Rooms and Churchill Museum' As we approached the museum, my son mentioned that Barack Obama may become the President. My son's comment surprised me. Maybe this is a playground topic in his Steiner school, or perhaps his generation is going to break the habit of previous generations, and actually take an interest and most importantly -vote!
This was the second time that we had visited 'The Cabinet War Rooms and Churchill Museum'. My son could not remember his first visit, which was when he was five years old, and prior to how it is arranged today. This means that he may not remember visiting 'Chartwell' on several occasions with me, when he was slightly younger.
My son made was facinated and paid particular attention to the footages of Sir Winston Churchill's funeral. At the end of the tour, he asked if he could leave a comment for the museum. I said that he could, so in true Steiner style, he drew his comments.
On the way home on the bus, my son asked me to read to him. The book that he selected was the comic book 'The Bash Street Kids in Space'. To be able to participate in the activity of reading to my son, was a pleasure for me. I had been reading to him several times each day, every day, since before his birth. I had taken out a library membership for him, very early in his life and bought countless books for him. It reminded me that, the last time that I had read a comic to my son, was when he was six and a half years old. This was during our weekly, hour and a half, supervised access, when I would take him to the nearest local shop, to the Social Services building, so that he could choose, amongst other things, several comics of his choice, which I would buy and read to him during our access time.
Friday, 24 October 2008
A Greater Degree Of Understanding.
I left PRA in 1986, to spend the next five years working full-time, in the heart of Soho, at Fifty-nine (59) Greek Street, Women's Hostel Formally known as The Theatre Girls Club During my time with '59' I was employed as a Lesbian Hostel Rehousing & Resettlement Worker, a Medical Worker and a Admin Worker. I enjoyed the rich and diverse work experience at '59'.
Before going to work today, Grace rang me to say 'goodbye'. She starts her Approved Social Work (ASW) training next week. She reminded me that I will need to next collect my anti-psychotic 'Stella' medication, sometime during the morning of Tues 28th Oct 08, before I go to work. I will miss her.
I also stopped off at The Ritzy Cinema to purchase my ticket for The London TransGender FilmFestival 2008, Fri 7th Nov 08, Opening Night Films and AFTERPARTY..........
I am looking forward to the feature film 'The BELIEVERS', which is the story of the World's first transgender gospel choir...
Today I also secured a ticket to see 'American Briefs' performed on Tues 28th Oct 08, at the Stag theatre. 'American Briefs' is a production of ten plays, linked together. All proceeds on the night of this not-to-be missed performance on the 28th Oct, will go to Stonewall
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Being Valued.
Whilst in Soho, I visited 'First Out Cafe-Bar to collect a copy of 'The Pink Paper' After seeing Boy George's image, with the words Music, Men and Madness, on the front cover of 'Out in the City' The Ultimate Guide to Gay London, plus a photo and article relating to my Sweetie-pie, Julian Clary, I collected this magazine too.
I'll be on holiday from work for a few weeks in November, and I have set aside several books to read, such as: 'Take it like a man' the autobiography of Boy George with Spencer Bright, 'A Young Man's Passage' by Julian Clary, 'Ellen' The real story of Ellen DeGeneres by Kathleen Tracy, 'The Fires of Bride' by Ellen Galford, 'Trumpet' by Jackie Kay, 'Borrowed Body' by Valerie Mason-John, 'How to become a Virgin' by Quentin Crisp, 'Selected Poems' by Langston Hughes, 'Warrior Poet' a biography of Audre Lorde by Alexis De Veaux and 'Moab is my washpot' by Stephen Fry.
On route home, via Clapham High street, I collected some information on Pride Life and GFest 08 - gayWise LGBT arts festival
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Onwards And Upwards!
I will ponder this setback and consult with my team members about how we can best 'up' our game.
In the meantime, I will pause to browse which is a tour holiday company exclusively for women. I will also investigate 'Crave' the new lesbian magazine.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Experience Is The Greatest Teacher.
It started with my visit to 'Corearts' core arts exists to promote the artistic and creative abilities of people who experience severe and enduring mental health issues. After this visit, I took another look at as a result of looking at the late Pete Shaughnessy's 'Mad Pride' legacy.
I have also arranged to take my son to visit my mother on Saturday 22nd November 2008, after speaking with my mother today. I feel fortunate to have been able to schedule this visit, as she is a very busy woman.
This evening I attended 'Lambeth's Black Queer Pulse' at the Minet Library. This event was part of Lambeth's Black History Month, and 'Rukus' played a big part in making it possible, as well as Lambeth Libraries and archives. This Black LGBT event was productive and well attended.
The panel were:
Topher Campbell, who is amongst other things co-founder of rukus! (the other co-founder is Ajamu), Linda Bellos OBE - Director of Diversity Solutions Consultancy Ltd Dennis Carney, Neville Fleming and Ted Walker-Brown, who amongst other things, is also the brother of Jacqueline Walker - writer of the book 'Pilgrim State'.
Monday, 20 October 2008
First Class Joy.
Even though I had last spoken to my son on Saturday and confirmed that this Saturday, we will be visiting the Cartoon museum
I quite naturally I rang my son again - this time to convey my gratitude to him and his friends -which he took in his stride.
Whilst on the theme of birthday gifts, my first cousin Brian rang and I received from - a friend -amongst other things, fresh flowers -roses and two c.ds to add to my collection, treasure and listen to, of course. The first c.d is 'Back to Black' by Amy Winehouse and the second c.d is 'Keep On' by Will Young
Sunday, 19 October 2008
The 2008 Frieze Art Fair.

Today I spent an enjoyable day at the Frieze Art Fair in Regents Park. Outside in the Sculpture Park, I found Subodh Gupta's striking artwork titled 'Mind Shut Down' 2008 Hauser & Wirth, irresistable.
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Painting The Town Red.
I found the current 'Keep Smiling Through: Black Londoners on the Home Front 1939 to 1945' exhibition at the Cuming museum, enlightening, and the 'Researching Caribbean Family History' illustrated talk by Patrick Vernon, founder of Every Generation Media/ Foundation and helpful.
I attended the 'Be a councillor' information seminar, where I listened to four existing councillors (Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and independent) explain how they were selected and their experience of balancing home life, work and council duties. Much like the delightful, Frank Bruno I have chosen the Conservatives, as the party that I would like to become affiliated with.
French & Saunders was worth every minute. I am so pleased that I was able to see them perform the 'Still Alive' tour.
True to form, the experience of dining at Mildreds Vegetarian Restaurant has left me in a state of moreishness.
Friday, 17 October 2008
Managers Leading By Example.
I had seen the theatre production 'The Harder They Come' at The Playhouse Theatre with my son and Andrew, three to four months ago, and I had thoroughly enjoyed it. I had not seen the film until last night. The film is a classic.
This evening, I will be going to see 'Keep Smiling Through: Black Londoners on the Home Front 1939 to 1945', An exhibition at the Cuming Museum exploring the contributions made by black Londoners during the Second World War. I aim to attend the 'Researching Caribbean Family History' illustrated talk by Patrick Vernon, founder of Every Generation
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Here is the rest of it.
I have received a reminder that I am booked to attend the 'Be a councillor' information seminar this Saturday 18th October, which I am looking forward to.
This evening, I intend to watch the 1970s film, the Jamaican classic, 'The Harder They Come' at Nettleford Hall, West Norwood. It is being shown as part of Lambeth's Black History Month events.
My Main Learning Curve.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Another Year (An Extra Gear).
1. I have been given the opportunity - which I have accepted - to see Bill Bailey's remarkable guide to the Orchestra, which Stephen Fry apparently called "Wonderfully driving a Rolls Royce off-road," at The Royal Albert Hall this evening.
2. I have received confirmation of my booking, for MindOut LGBT Mental Health Conference, that will be taking place in Brighton, at Friends' Meeting House, on Monday 3rd November 2008.
3. I have accepted, an RSVP invitation for a Minister for Women Reception, at the House of Commons, on Monday 3rd November 2008.
Aside from these, a photograph of Dolly Sen and myself, plus a cover story relating to the Thursday 9th October 2008, World Mental Health Day event, that took place in my Westminter team, has been posted on my Charities Intranet. [Sweeney-T] who also bakes his own bread, allowed me to select a sheet of homemade paper that he had made and designed. I received a beautiful birthday card in the post. Andrew, my dearest male friend, rang to wish me a belated happy birthday. My first cousin Sally, also called, and Birgit sent a text, to inform me that the tickets for French & Saunders, have arrived.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
There is No Barrier.
I also had a quick look in my newly acquired book 'Completely Queer' The Gay and Lesbian Encyclopedia by Steve Hogan and Lee Hudson, which was given to me as a gift, last Thursday (by Sweeney- Todd).
This morning, I browsed my copy of 'DIVA' the 150 Souvenir issue after committing to my diary, my intention to attend the Professor Raj Persaud, Consultant Psychiatrist at the Bethlem Royal and Maudsley Hospitals, and Emeritus Gresham Professor for the Public Understanding of Psychiatry's, 'How to be Happy' 1pm-2pm, lunchtime lecture, on Monday 17th November 2008, at St George's Hanover Square I also had a brief look at the Gresham College Free Public Lectures 2008-2009 booklet.
At the moment, I am reflecting on the musicianship of Rachel Studley who also works for 'London Hearing Voices Groups Project' supporting people & organisations to set up well facilitated user-led support groups for Londoners who hear voices
Monday, 13 October 2008
My Birthday Bliss.
It started half an hour before midnight, when I received a birthday greetings text from, my second cousin, Lennox. Then once I viewed 00.01hrs on the clock, I opened the only birthday card in my possession, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was decorated in multiple love hearts. Hmmm. After that, me being me, I couldn't get to sleep for the next hour.
I awoke this morning to copious texts, with birthday greetings, and found myself in a meeting this morning that ended at 9am.
I then went to work for a few hours, mainly to have my photograph taken (by Sweeney-T), at St George's Hanover Square, Mayfair with the very charming, Reverend Roderick Leece, who is a trustee of Hyde Park Place Estate Charity for our charity organisation's staff and service users newsletter. Hyde Park Place Estate Charity, has now made it possible, for a number of our clients with mental health experience, to be able to take a holiday in 2009.
By 12.30hrs, I had left work, I had had more phone calls with birthday greetings, - plus a text from Birgit, my stalwart friend, which informed me that she has booked tickets for us to see French & Saunders perform on Saturday 18th October 2008, at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane after which, she will be taking me to dine 'vegan' - and was seated with Grace, my care coordinator. She gave me a birthday card and treated me to a birthday meal.
When I returned home, I found a present from my first cousin Andrea, and - joy of all joys - a gift of a 'happy birthday love from' card with the drawing of an aeroplane, plus six mini fairy cakes, from my wonderful son, which I know that he has baked with the help of his foster mother.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Transcending Childhood is a Complicated Business (But it is Unique to Everyone).
On Saturday, I took my adorable son to the Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green. The last time that he came to this museum with me, he was five years old, still in his Steiner kindergarten class, and was accompanied by his six year old kindergarten friend. They spent much time, with socks and shoes off, playing in the sandpit.
My son did not seem to remember visiting this museum four years ago. He also voiced his disappointment at not being able to play in the play pen with the toddlers, in the 'under threes' section. In the end, after much thought, he satisfied his desire to ride the wooden horses.
As the mother of a nine year old son, I have found there is one thing that both he and I now have an uneasy truce about, and that is his increasing reluctance to enter and use the women's toilets. It is a sign, among many, that my 'baby' is growing up.
Saturday, 11 October 2008
There IS a Very Active Dialogue Going On.
The 2008, World Mental Health Day, launched, pioneering Internet Television station, which is providing mental health service users with the centre - stage opportunity to tell their stories, and learn about filmmaking:
'Inspired Stories TV
Promoting mental wellbeing through storytellingFilms by and for people with lived experience
The station will be a platform for showing films and teaching filmmaking. In the long-term, we plan to make films, write manuals and run training sessions to teach filmmaking skills. Because anyone with lived experience can make films.
In November, we will ask people to send their films and 2 will be selected for screening in January 2009.
At present, there are 10 films all directed by people with lived experience.They consist of an eclectic mix covering themes including self-harm, stigma, empowerment, hearing voices, creativity and identity.
It would be great to hear your feedback and thoughts about the site as we attempt to secure funding'.
Contact: Flexible Films
World Mental Health Day 2008.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
It's Not Always The Obvious Things.
This morning I awoke feeling 'fresh', and after reading ONEinFOUR contemplated the three topics that came to mind:
The first, was the feature 'They tuck you up' While many of us will experience mental health difficulties or distress, many of us will also be parents. Suzan Arisoy looks at the joys and anxieties of parenting while coping with mental health issues. As someone who has a history of mental health issues, and is also a parent, who has in part, been disenfranchised, I found this feature invigorating and apt. It's portrayal, from the experiencer's point of view, has shed much light on a subject, which in my opinion is in desperate need of illumination.
The second, was the cover story 'The burning issue?' We all know that giving up smoking can make us physically healthier and fitter. Laurie Penny explores ways of coming to the healthiest outcome you can, if giving up seems too much. Having personally become agitated and disgruntled, as a direct result of spending much time confined to a locked and smoky psychiatric ward,- whilst initially also personally being a part of the problem and not the solution - My feelings are, that to have this issue discussed, provides a much needed 'breath of fresh air'.
The third, was the feature 'The madness of politics' Mark Brown on mental health difficulties at Westminster. This brought to mind, my contact last year, with Keith Hill MP . I found his empathetic response to his constituent - me - productive. I am certain that my clients, who all have long term experiences of mental health issues, also gained greatly, from the guided tour of The Houses of Parliament and the Jewel Tower, that Keith Hill MP made possible for them.
I am currently on page 66, of the riveting 'A Can of Madness' by Jason Pegler
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
A Rainbow On My Horizon.
Since seeing my son last, I have been contemplating various possibilities, for what we could do, when we next meet, on Saturday. I have now decided to take him to the 'Museum of Childhood' in Bethnal Green.
Tomorrow evening, my Westminster team - myself included - will be presenting it's own, World Mental Health Day, event for us and our clients. We are most fortunate to be having three exceptional speakers: John Bird, from The Big Issue Rachel Studley, from Hearing voices network and Dolly Sen , author and filmmaker. Our Chief Executive will also be present.
I am excited.
I'm going to spend the rest of my evening watching Don Giovanni free Online
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Dare To Hope.
I have been smiling, since I have found out that Ruby Wax will be presenting the Mental Health Media Awards, which is now in its 15th year, on 25th November 2008.
Another thing that has been keeping me smiling, and was received, from 'Open Up' is the news that, this Friday 10th October 2008, World Mental Health Day. will be the first Internet TV station to give people with lived mental heath experience a platform to tell their stories and provide filmmaking skills training.
Themes include: self harm, stigma, social alienation, hearing voices, creativity and identity.
This morning, I was in high spirits after speaking to Sybil Ah-mane, Film Director, Flexible Films and being sent a RSVP invitation to attend a Flexible Films and IF Night of Inspired Stories Launch on Thursday 9th Oct 2008.
Monday, 6 October 2008
Two Postcards.
I am currently thrilled about three things. First - I have had a place reserved for me, to be at the Be a councillor seminar on Saturday 18th October 2008. Second - I have received my tickets to see The Nutcracker with my son, on Saturday 3rd January 2009. Third - I have managed to reserve a place for my son and myself to have Afternoon tea at The Ritz Hotel on Saturday 31st January 2009.
Sunday, 5 October 2008
'A Love That Dare Not Speak It's Name?'
Today I was also delighted to find a copy of 7-17th Nov 2008, 10th anniversary Black World Cinema, bfm international film festival booklet, in my letterbox.
While I ate a 'Kaisen Ramen' meal at Fujiyama a Japanese restaurant. I reflected on the fact that, this year I had not attended the 27th March - 10th April 2008, 22nd London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival and I wondered whether I would be attending the 15-30th Oct 2008, 52nd London Film Festival
My initial attendance at the 1995, 38th London Film Festival, was to see the premier of 'Thin Ice', the first British Lesbian feature film. I had spent time working on 'Thin Ice' as a runner, after my first experience as a medicated in-patient in a psychiatric hospital. 'Thin Ice' was directed by Fiona Cunningham-Reid. It is a Lesbian romantic comedy about two girls entering a figure skating competition at the Gay games in New York 1994. Steffi, an ambitious photographer and previously straight Natalie win the gold medal for Britain.
Today I recalled, just how much I used to enjoy, attending the 'Halloween Society', at the Notre Dame Hall. I think it's amazing that the Halloween will be presenting the 6th London Short Film Festival, Fri 9th - Sun 18th January 2009. which has a Friday 24th October 2008, Submission deadline.
Last year I also had a fantastic time, when I attended my first Mental Health Media Awards presentation, hosted by Trisha Goddard at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), on World Mental Health Day. This year it will be held at (BAFTA), but take place on the 25th November 2008.
This evening, when I finally returned to my abode, I found a church pamphlet with the Programme for November/December 2008. I am, understandably, interested in the topic:
'A Love that dare not speak it's name?'
What is the future for Gay people in Christianity and how might the local church help Gay people find a home? 8pm Wednesday 19th November 2008, by St Mary's Putney The Faith Forum is titled ' For the Bible Tells Me So', Searching for an inclusive Church. I am eager to attend. But I am disappointed that I will not be able to be present at the 8pm, Wed 12th November, Screening of the award winning documentary film 'For the Bible tells me so' which examines the experiences of Gay Christians and the Churches attitude to Homosexuality.
My Ray Of Light.
When I collected my son from his foster parent's, I noticed that his hair, though neat - as it had been given a trim earlier in the day, was slightly longer than it has been in some years. My son had, initially told me that he wanted to grow his hair longer four years ago, but had not actioned his decision. Yesterday my son's foster father commented, that my son may well end up with hair like - Jimi Hendrix My son's foster father also mentioned that my son can now, and does, read his Beano magazines.
As promised, I took my son to McDonald's - at his request, and then to see my office. He met two of my colleagues - one of whom, gave him some Chelsea FC memorabilia. This time last year, this same colleague had also given me a large Audrey Hepburn 'Breakfast at Tiffany' poster for my son. My son has been fond of Audrey's image for some time. While visiting my office, my son told me that he liked the office chairs at my workplace.
Our last stop, was the Science Museum again. This time, not only did my son purchased some small model aeroplanes from the shop - to add to his collection, but we also enjoyed a ride on a simulator, and we watched a 3D showing of 'Monsters' in the Imax 3D Cinema.
On the way home, my son told me that he is involved in a class project at his school. The class is building a conker giant from sixty-one conkers. His teacher is making a draft and the class are 'writing' it into their books. I know, the news that my son has started the writing process in school, will be 'music to the ears' of my mother. She has spent years worrying that her beloved grandson, will arrive in adulthood - illiterate, due to a lifetime of Rudolf Steiner education.
Throughout our time together, yesterday, my son kept calling me 'Yvonne'. When he does this, I always respond by telling him "It's mum, to you" and start tickling him. It has become one of his way of gaining more physical attention, from me, aside from my kisses, cuddles, positive affirmations and verbally telling him that I love him. Perhaps he also did it yesterday, because he had not physically seen me for two weeks.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Going To The Extremes To Find The Centre.
Uniquely4girls/Champagne Dining Club - London lesbian dining club for professional gay women to meet for lunch / dinner / social events:
g3 magazine for lesbian and bisexual women - g3 magazine - Lesbian magazine for diva events - civil partnership guide - gaydar girls - gay pride- lesbian contacts - shop - news and fun:
GT - Gay Times - Gay news, features, UK scene news and events. Including UK gay law and a worldwide gay guide. Online version of the print magazine:
Central London Action on Street Health - Targets people who sell sex, gay and bisexual men, and people at risk from HIV and other blood borne viruses.
Languages spoken: Access to interpreters available.
Parent body: Camden Primary Care Trust.
Offers advice, information, counselling, support and referrals on health issues, particularly HIV/ AIDS, safer sex and drug use. Phone for a chat or an appointment. Provides sexual health and HIV advice in a variety of community settings including bars, youth groups, hostels and temporary accommodation, saunas and massage parlours, etc. Provides training to clients and staff who live and work in Camden. Condom Shop (Women only): Mon, Fri 09.00-13.00, Fri 14.30-16.30. Sexual health clinics: Mon 09.00-11.00, (women only by appointment), Fri 08.45-13.00 (women only walk in). Steroid users group: 1st Friday of every month 17.30-21.00.
Last checked: February 2008
Information taken from Cindex local information database :
Inspired by recently aquiring the October 2008 'g3', which features an Ani DiFranco interview, I am currently listening to Ani online. I first became aquainted with Ani Franco's music, when my manager downloaded her 'Little Plastic Castles' and 'Puddle Dive' cd's onto my ipod. I have since purchased her 'Reprieve', 'Educated Guess' and 'Evolve' cd's. 'Little Plastic Castles' remains one of my favourite cd's, and I have been amazed by Ani DiFranco's innovative artistry throughout, especially whilst listening the track 'Two Little Girls'.
I found the 'g3' 'Bringing up Baby'..."having a child within a lesbian relationship has never been easier. Maggie Allen looks at how things have changed in recent years." topic fantastic. I find it really interesting to map progress. In my time, I consulted books such as 'Considering Parenthood' a book for lesbians thinking about becoming parents' by Cheri Pies, and 'It's a family affair' the complete lesbian parenting book by Lisa Saffron and found them extremely helpful.
This month 'g3' also interviewed some lesbian and bisexual sex workers, to find out what makes them want to turn to a profession that services men, in the report titled 'Sleeping with the Enemy'. "Prostitution is a difficult life. It can be called brave and foolish, daring and lazy, damaged and empowering. Few issues have so many contradictions at their heart. Kathryn Fox asks: Why would lesbians, of all women, make the sexual service of men a career choice?"
This report awakened memories of my four year employment as an Outreach Worker, with Central London Action on Street Health (C.L.A.S.H), prior to the onset of my personal experience of mental illness. Whilst working at C.L.A.S.H, I had a wide brief which, amongst other things, also included the Soho area female Sex Industry workers, and the regular facilitation of HIV/AIDS preventative training in Holloway Women's Prison.
Friday, 3 October 2008
An Advent Of Things Memorable.
Get Moving Week - is a mass participation activity in October. All over England people are organising events to promote the benefits of physical exercise...while improving their mental well being...:
Quakers :
Lambeth Black History Month:
Yesterday evening, I enjoyed a delicious Eritrean meal at a restaurant in Lambeth This signified the start of my October 2008 celebration of Black History Month.
Quaker week also takes place within the month of October, and begins on the 4th, as does Get Moving Week. World Mental Health Day is on the 10th and last, but not least, will be my and Lady Margaret Thatcher's (the first woman to be Prime Minister of Great Britain) birthday on the 13th.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Lest I Forget.
Antidote - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Drug & Alcohol Support - runs a drop-in centre, offering advice and support to lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgendered people with a drug or alcohol problem. Ear acupuncture available...staffed by lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people:
Quit - The UK Charity that helps people give up smoking - practical advice on giving up:
Mad Pride - puts on survivors events, gigs, club nights and concerts, publishes writings and books, brings out cassettes and CDs, and runs campaigns. Mad Pride is committed to ending discrimination against psychiatric patients and celebrating mad culture:
Last night, I had a rough night of restless sleep and nightmarish dreams. I also seem to have caught the latest office cold, from my colleagues.
I am teetering on the edge of a self-inflicted emotional rebellion.
Whilst I do recognise that change is essential. For me, the process of change is much like, constantly ascending an unending and descending escalator, with the sole intention of reaching the unachievable summit. Constant progressive motion is required in order to maintain the same position. While resting for too long, puts one at a great disadvantage.
I know, that I am dragging my feet, and taking too long getting to action. My recognition of the need for me to change is uncomfortable, so I want to relinquish my responsibilities and 'act out'. Wrap myself in the madness, and do something outside of myself, to change the way I feel. I want to throw my dummy out of the pram! Which won't help in the long run.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Let's Go With The Evidence.
Gay and Lesbian Association of Doctors and Dentists:
OUTeverywhere - whatever you're into, wherever you are, Outeverywhere offers you the chance to get in touch with gay people who share your interests...:
Pink Sofa - is the biggest online lesbian meeting place where likeminded women can meet and interact in a comfortable and friendly environment:
In recent days, it was suggested to me, that I consider the possibility ,that I may be a sexual anorexic. I'm not a prude, but I had never heard of such a term. I was advised to keep an open mind and google search it.
Unsurprisingly, since realising that, I exhibit a host of similarities specific to the definition of a sexual anorexic. I have felt the seasick sensations of stress. I now find myself, in the uneviable position of, having the bright light of truth shone, into the depth of the darkness of my denial. What to do - when armed with the facts? I'm basically situated between a rock and a hard place.
I discussed my newfound discovery, and dilemma with Grace (my care coordinator). She reassuringly, advised me to take things slow.
I am bemused and my mood has remained sombre.
I think that it was Joe McQ that said "The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable!"