(Exodus 32:26)
Once with con-fu-sion our sad hearts were filled,
Drink-ing the cup false re-li-gion dis-tilled:
But with what hap-pi-ness our hearts were thrilled
When of God's King-dom we heard (we first heard).
Take sides with Je-ho-vah;
Make him your delight,
He'll nev-er for-sake you;
Walk e'er in his light.
Tell, tell the glad tid-ings of freedom and peace.
His rule by Christ Je-sus Will ev-er in-crease.
Now with our whole hearts we will serve our God
And share in spread-ing his truth all a-broad,
Help-ing our broth-ers God's vir-tues to laud,
Prais-ing his great wor-thy name (his great name).
Take sides with Je-ho-vah;
Make him your de-light.
He'll nev-er for-sake you;
Walk e'er in his light.
Tell, tell the glad tid-ings of free-dom and peace.
His rule by Christ Je-sus Will ev-er in-crease.
We will not fear what the Dev-il can do,
For God Je-ho-vah will car-ry us thru.
Tho' they be man-y and tho' we be few,
God is our strength and our might (and our might).
Take sides with Je-ho-vah;
Make him your de-light.
He'll nev-er for-sake you;
Walk e'er in his light.
Tell, tell the glad tid-ings of free-dom and peace.
His rule by Christ Je-sus Will ev-er in-crease.
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