'Dear God,' I have heard it said, 'Give me patience, but give it to me NOW!'
Just for today, I am throwing my rattle out of my pram, with what can only be described as, 'High class problems'. When I use the 'Easy does it', 'Keep it simple' approach to assess the issue which seems to be 'The straw that is about to break the camel's back'. It goes thus:
My mobile phone stopped working on my way to work this morning. Could not be mended by the o2
www.o2.co.uk/ mobile shop and was replaced. End of story.
But because, at times, my default switch is that of a complicated person who needs to focus on a simple, comprehensive blueprint. At those times my version goes as follows:
My cherished Nokia N95, complete with Carl Zeiss Optics Tessar 2.8/5.6 Autofocus 5 Megapixel, Radio, contact names and numbers... died this morning. I have replaced it with a different mobile and transfered the sim card. However, I am not yet enchanted with my new mobile's positive attributes. I have been paying too much attention to the differences, i.e this new mobile only has a 3.2MP camera, I have only one or two numbers which I know off by heart and I have no contact details for incoming calls...
Fortunately, for me, I can very easily remember endless things - on a daily basis - that I am truly grateful for. True to form today, I concentrated my mind on the following two in particular.
1- Just after my arrival in Edinburgh, I received a 07.15hr phone call from my mother. During that conversation with her, her opening lines were ' Yvonne, you are going to think that I am crazy'. She then proceeded to mentioned that she had been watching a couple of Doris Day www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doris_Day / www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjX7k2QoRX8
films on d.v.d's. My mother told me that she had watched the first film from beginning to end and had laughed with immence enjoyment. Regarding the second film, she was too busy to give it her undivided attention but said she will make a commitment to watch.
2- This afternoon, I had occassion to, once again visit Orbital http://www.orbitalcomics.com/ so I took the opportunity to peruse the comic which had from that vast selection, finally caught my son's attention, the last time that I spent quality time with him. It is called, 'SuperGirl Way of the of the World'. On its back cover it says, 'Life is Not Fair - A young boy is about to succumb to a deadly sickness and Supergirl makes a promise not to let him die - a vow she will take drastic measures to keep. Superman and Wonder Woman believe Kara's obsession is dangerous and want her to stop. But Supergirl is determined...'
Just in case you are interested, The Photograghers' Gallery http://www.photonet.org.uk/ is now situated at 16-18 Ramillies St, London W1F 7LW. Nearest underground station is Oxford Circus.
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