described as 'Unquestionably the finest biography ever written about Darwin' by Stephen Jay Gould, Nature and 'DARWIN'S SACRED CAUSE www.amazon.com/Darwins-Sacred-Cause-Slavery-Evolution/dp/0547055269
race, slavery and the quest for human orgins also by the same authors. It is information that I already knew, however these books set historical past thinking in context.
Within the last hour I was listening in part to 'The Secret River' www.amazon.co.uk/Secret-River-Kate-Grenville/dp/184195828X a BBC World Service www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/
Q&A session with Kate Granville www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Grenville and was reminded of Germaine Greer www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germaine_Greer 'Whitefella Jump Up www.amazon.co.uk/Whitefella-Jump-Up-Germaine-Greer/dp/1861977395 The Shortest Way to Nationhood.'
Perhaps, memories of Alex Haley's www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Haley 'ROOTS' www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roots_(novel) on television, Steven Spielberg's www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Spielberg 'The Color Purple' www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Color_Purple written by Alice Walker www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Walker at the cinema or perhaps 'Gandhi' www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gandhi_(film comes to mind.
However, for me, 'The Voice's www.voice-online.co.uk/ Black History Month - October- coverage of England's King Edward III www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_III_of_England 1330, wife Phillipa as the first Black Queen of England and their son Edward IV The Black Prince, Plus England's King George III www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_III_of_the_United_Kingdom 1738, wife Charlotte as the second Black Queen of England and (Perhaps ) the grandmother of Queen Victoria www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_of_the_United_Kingdom is what actually comes to my mind.
As well as feeling priviledged to have both viewed 'The Vagina Monologue' and supported 'The Prostate Cancer Charity www.prostate-cancer.org.uk while shopping at Marks and Spencers www.marksandspencer.com/ in addition to acquiring a Lambeth LGBT History Month - February www.lgbthistorymonth.org.uk Booklist. I am delighted to announce that on Easter Monday, I will be accompanying some of my Westminster clients and colleagues on a three day / two night Outward Bound Holiday in Cornwall and facilitated by Vitalise www.vitalise.org.uk Essential breaks for disabled people and carers.

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