One of the conversations entailed my attempting find out from Lambeth Social Services, if it will be possible for my son to accompany me [he is currently abroad on a skiing holiday with his foster father and is also accompanied by his friend Declan] on Sunday 1st March 2009, to a television studio in White City to film a Comic Relief www.rednoseday.com (13th March 2009) appeal film. This will show the work of projects such as Mental Health Media www.mhmedia.com/ Rethink www.rethink.org/ PACE www.pacehealth.org.uk/ etc - to inspire people to give money to Comic Relief on the night.
My son is a member of his Church's choir and on Sunday 1st March 2009, his church will be celebrating a anniversary which will require him to sing. So, whatever I may finally arrange with Lambeth Social Services, my final decision, if there is a clash with the Church and filming, will be the prioritising of my son's choir commitment.
Today I am delighted to have received a letter from my Party www.conservatives.com and the Women's Library Exhibitions /Events Spring /Summer 2009 www.thewomenslibrary.ac.uk
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