Far from the maddening crowd
by Thomas Hardy
Yesterday [far from the maddening crowd] I attended my first Hearing Voices Groups Facilitator Peer Support Meeting in the meeting room of the English Touring Theatre www.ett.org.uk/
I am now looking forward to the following:
9.30 – 5.00
This is the second year in which the Regional LGBT Committee has organised an event in LGBT History Month and it looks as if this one will be bigger and better than last year’s
Speakers include:
Kay Carberry, TUC Assistant General Secretary, is the keynote speaker and she will also participate in a Q&A session
Rikki Beadle Blair (http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/theatreblog/2008/nov/18/theatre-homophobia-bullying-stonewall) who will speak on tackling homophobia in schools
Jide Macauley who will cover international issues (www.mccchurch.org)
There will also be a speaker on Transgender Equality, name to be confirmed
The day will start off with an LGBT history icebreaker and during the morning session there will be a quiz, speakers and films. During the afternoon session there will be a speaker, workshops and a panel debate.
The following Events are a must:
The Women's Library still has tickets available for a free illustrated talk this Thursday (26th) run in collabaration with Tower Hamlets Equality Unit for LGBT History Month. If you would like to attend, please call 020 7320 2222 or email moreinfo@thewomenslibrary.ac.uk to book.
Illustrated talk
Vera 'Jack' Holme: Cross-dressing Actress, Chauffeur and Suffragette
Thursday 26 February 2009, 7pm, free
The Women's Library's collections include the archive of Vera Holme, whose diaries, photographs and papers tell the story of her bohemian life - as a cross-dressing actress, suffragette chauffeur to the Pankhursts and servicewoman overseas during the First World War. Join archivist Anna Kisby to find out more about this intriguing woman and some of her romantic relationships with women.
In collaboration with Tower Hamlets Equality UnitTo book: call 020 7320 2222 or email moreinfo@thewomenslibrary.ac.uk
Venue: The Women's Library
London Metropolitan University
Old Castle Street
E1 7NT www.thewomenslibrary.ac.uk
www.stonewall.org.uk/workplace people perform better when they can be themselves
We’re delighted to invite you to our sixth annual workplace conference, the leading
learning event on lesbian, gay and bisexual equality in the workplace, kindly sponsored
once again by the Royal Bank of Scotland Group. With the increased profile and
importance of diversity in UK workplaces there are ever more opportunities to address
sexual orientation equality. Building on the success of the sell out 2008 conference, this
year will feature even more breakout sessions, greater opportunity to network across all
sectors and as always an outstanding line up of keynote speakers.
Best practice, the next level
This year’s conference will deliver the most innovative practice that top employers need to
know, including how organisations can get the most from engaging and developing their LGB
staff forums, how embedding strong equality elements within the procurement process can
put an organisation at the forefront of leading cultural change in the wider community, as well
as showcasing different approaches to developing LGB inclusive equality schemes and how
organisations position themselves to get the most from the pink pound. We will also be presenting
the latest research on the implications of sexual orientation for performance and productivity, how
to improve engagement with women in the workplace and presenting Stonewall’s new guidance
on getting the balance right between faith, religion and sexual orientation in the workplace.
Articulating the business benefits of leadership in this field
Legislative compliance is now a given and organisations from across sectors are now vying to be
leaders in diversity and equality. A competitive edge can be achieved by those organisations that
put the equality agenda at the forefront of their business plan. These organisations know that to
attract and retain the best possible candidates for the job, they must advertise and recruit in every
community of an increasingly diverse Britain. This means finding the best ways to support gay staff,
reach out to new recruits, be an employer of choice as well as engaging with the wider gay community.
Network and learn the latest good practice from Britain’s leading organisations
Including top performers from Stonewall Top 100 Employers 2009; Lloyds TSB (Overall Winner),
Simmons & Simmons (Most Improved) and Home Office (Employee Network Group of the year).
Also presenting will be Ford Motor Company, Nacro, the Metropolitan Police Service, National
Grid, Goldman Sachs and London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
Good practice guides available
Stonewall has published workplace guides on employee network groups, monitoring sexual
orientation, bullying and harassment and career development, and an employers’ handbook
on the sexual orientation employment regulations. It has also produced workplace research on
productivity, faith and religion and engaging lesbian and bisexual women in the workplace.
All of these publications as well as Starting Out, Stonewall’s lesbian, gay and bisexual recruitment
guide and Stonewall Top 100 Employers 2009 will be available to delegates free of charge.
Speakers at this year’s
conference include:
Dr Nicola Brewer
Chief Executive, Equality and Human
Rights Commission
Sarah Deaves
Chief Executive, Coutts UK
Royal Bank of Scotland Group
Margot James
Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party
Angela Mason
National Advisor on Equality and Diversity,
Ben Summerskill
Chief Executive, Stonewall
Who should attend the
Stonewall Workplace
Conference 2009
Directors and Heads of
Human Resources
Heads of Equality and
Heads of Policy
Heads of Legal Services
Employment advisory
Directors/CEs of small and
medium sized businesses
Heads and members of
employee network groups
LGB Staff
Feedback from the
2008 Conference
“First time I had been –
rewarding, interesting and
exciting day”
“I would recommend
this conference to any
organisation that wants to
develop best practice in its
treatment of LGB staff. A
good variety of issues covered
and engaging work shops.”
“Has given me inspiration to
keep pushing things forward”
“Speakers were excellent,
staff were very good and
event organisation has
been excellent”
Questions? Call Stonewall’s Workplace team now on 020 7593 2291
people perform better when they can be themselves www.stonewall.org.uk/workplace
I have been hugely encouraged
by the many individuals and
teams who have worked hard
to make Hampshire
Constabulary an employer of
choice for lesbian, gay and
bisexual people.
It’s because of their dedication
that Stonewall has rated us
as the best police force for
a second year and also the
top performing public sector
Alex Marshall
Chief Constable
Hampshire Constabulary
I am delighted that Lloyds
TSB has been rated the
top employer in the UK for
lesbian, gay and bisexual
(LGB) people in Stonewall Top
100 Employers 2009. Sexual
Orientation has been a key
diversity priority for Lloyds TSB
for a number of years and this
accolade is testament to our
progress and commitment to
this agenda.
Eric Daniels
Group Chief Executive,
Lloyds TSB, Overall winner;
Stonewall Top 100 Employers 2009
To us, diversity means
providing an excellent service
to all Londoners according to
their needs and aspirations,
and a workplace that brings
us the whole range of skills,
knowledge and understanding
needed to deliver this service.
Being a Stonewall Diversity
Champion has given us an
opportunity to learn from the
experiences of others, and
encouraged us to keep on
Ron Dobson QFSM, MIFireE
London Fire Commissioner
9.30 -10.00am Registration and coffee
10.00am Welcome and opening remarks, Ben Summerskill, Chief Executive, Stonewall
10.15am Keynote address
10.30am Question and answer session
11.00am Break out sessions
[1] A Single Equality Scheme, a levelling up approach: IDeA, Transport for London
and London Borough of Tower Hamlets discuss different approaches to delivering
inclusive single schemes.
[2] Productivity, releasing the potential: positive returns from inclusive workplaces.
Stonewall presents their research, alongside IBM and the Metropolitan Police
Service who will share their experiences of getting the most from their gay staff.
[3] Monitoring where and when, the need for a culture of disclosure: Lloyds
TSB, Ministry of Defence and Nacro share their good practice on monitoring
processes and its potential for organisational change.
[4] Straight allies and what they bring to the party: Stonewall, National Grid and
Goldman Sachs look at the role of straight allies as diversity champions and the
support this brings for LGB staff and the organisation as a whole.
11.50am Morning refreshments
12.10pm Break out sessions
[5] Sexual Orientation & Religion, finding common ground in the workplace:
Stonewall presents its new guidance with London Borough of Tower Hamlets
and Transport for London discussing their approaches to developing understanding
and acceptance in the workplace.
[6] Supplier policies – procurement as a lever for change: Ford Motor Company and
Brighton & Hove City Council share how they spread the impact of their good practice
in diversity to their suppliers through a strong equality-inclusive procurement process.
[7] The Pink Pound, positioning in the LGB marketplace: Barclays, Manchester City
Council and Pinsent Masons showcase the strategic work they do to engage lesbian,
gay and bisexual stakeholders, be they service users, clients, or customers.
[8] Staff group…check, membership…check…what next? PricewaterhouseCoopers,
Simmons & Simmons and the Home Office examine the successes of network
groups and the role they play within their organisation in promoting lesbian, gay and
bisexual diversity.
1.00pm Lunch
2.10pm Break out sessions
[9] A Single Equality Scheme, a levelling up approach: As session 1.
[10] Simply the best – trends and best practice from the WEI 2009: Stonewall,
Lloyds TSB and the University of Cambridge discuss benchmarking and using the
Index as a tool for organisational change.
[11] Where are all the women? Working to engage and support the lesbian workforce:
The Royal Navy and Ernst & Young share their experiences and Stonewall presents
its recent research The Double-glazed Glass Ceiling.
[12] Pink Plateau – releasing the potential of LGB leadership: Home Office, Lloyds
TSB and Stonewall show the implications for organisations and staff.
3.00pm Afternoon refreshments
3.25pm Keynote address
3.40pm Keynote address
3.55pm Panel discussion with keynote speakers
4.25pm Closing remarks: Ben Summerskill, Chief Executive, Stonewall
4.30pm-5.30pm Wine reception