Saturday 21 March 2009

Out And About.

Nick Maund, Alison & Bob

Kate Hoey MP

James, Nick, Me & Michael
I know that I have arranged to watch 'The Lesbian Vampire Killers' at The Ritzy Cinema in Brixton tonight. However, I could not resist the temptation to don my Y.M.C.A of Lambeth tee-shirt [a favourite] which usually brings thoughts of 'Village People's theme tune Y.M.C.A to mind, and venture out and about enjoying the beautiful day.
During my bus journey, I passed the 'RVT' 'The Royal Vauxhall Tavern' At this time, I cannot be 100% sure, but I thought I noticed pubicity for a forthcoming event at the RVT which includes Ken Livingston Brian Paddock and others, along with my Sweetie-pie, Julian Clary
Today whilst in company, I entered the Kennington Park 'Spring in to Nature' event - It's publicity mentions Kate Hoey MP, who much like me, appreciates horses. Both my son and myself were frequent customers of the 'Trent Park Equestrian Centre' Where 'Purdy' the pony and later 'Bill' or maybe 'Bilbo' the horse were the first ones we rode.
During my visit to the 'Spring in to Nature' event, I was so proud to witness a measure of equality & diversity, 'putting ones' money where ones mouth is', in the shape of Alison & Bob of St. John's Ambulance. I found this particularly satisfying, as when I was a school girl, I was a member of St. John's Ambulance, as was my late Aunt Ruth Stewart, when she was a girl.

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