Robert De niro www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_De_Niro
For the last two days, the beautiful, inspirational book 'Dare To Live' reflections on fear, courage and wholeness www.amazon.co.uk/Dare-Live-Reflections-Courage-Wholeness/dp/1846941202 by Miriam Subirana www.oxfordleadership.com/pool/miriam-subirana-profile.pdf a gift to me from a friend, has been accompanying me on my travels around the Capital.
My mother rang me today, to say that she had gone out of her way to purchase her own personal copy of this weeks 'Voice Newspaper'. My mother explained that she had read my interview and, was of the opinion that both she and I were - each in our different ways - carrying the message... My mother in Spiritual circles and me, in the World.
True to form, my mother spent most of the conversation discussing my son. Once again my mother mentioned that she would like my son to have a check up with his G.P, just to make sure he has recovered since being poorly at the weekend.
I am delighted to announce that at approximately 7.00hrs this forthcoming Friday morning, after meeting with Gemma the producer, I will be in the studio and company of Joanne Good & Paul Ross on Breakfast BBC London Radio 94.9fm www.bbc.co.uk/london/radio/
Before leaving work today, one of my colleagues - a trained psychiatric nurse - made my day, by introducing me to the film 'Dog Day Afternoon' www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_Day_Afternoon starring Al Pacino www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Pacino
Tomorrow morning, while volunteering at The Mental Health Foundation www.mentalhealth.org.uk/ I will ask my colleagues if they have seen this film.
This evening, I was on television. BBC London www.bbc.co.uk/london/ My version of this broadcast can be viewed in the following video.
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