I have enjoyed yet another constructive day, at work in Westminster today.
Tomorrow morning, I have a 9.45hrs appointment with Wendy, my Care-coordinator and will collect my 'Stella' anti-psychotic medication. I have chosen to go to Wendy's SLAM www.slam.nhs.uk/ (South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust) office because I will be on a late shift, and won't need to be at work until 13.00hrs. Perhaps Wendy and I, will discuss my forthcoming Tuesday 13th January C.P.A (Care Programme Approach) which will take place with Dr Kitty, my psychiatrist. Although I personally think, that my being on, a enhanced C.P.A enhances my overall well being, Dr Kitty and my social worker (Wendy) may not agree.
On Saturday, I will be attending the QLGF www.qlgf.org.uk/ (Quaker Lesbian and Gay Fellowship) in Westminster. I am looking forward to the discussion topic, which will be 'Why are we Quakers?'
On Monday, I start my attendance on the brilliant Hearing Voices Group Facilitation Course, which will take place at Shelter Training www.shelter.org.uk/training
You may well have noticed, periodic absences of numbers at the top of my posts. Yes, I am struggling with the 'Get Moving' swimming pledge. BUT I have now found what I hope will be a motivator, in the shape of 'MIND' www.mind.org.uk/ I will soon be blogging about my experiences, regarding this issue.
Last, but not least, I am pleased to announce that on my mother's forthcoming birthday, I will be spending another day in Glasgow. Wonderful!
Well, that's certainly cause for celebration!