Absolute Radio
Earlier this evening after returning from my QLGF www.qlgf.org.uk/ / ww.qlgf.org.uk/newsletters.htm in Westminster, then having a phone conversation with my son, who currently has the coughs and sneezes of the season and needed to retire to his bed earlier than usual, I have been listening to 'Absolute Radio' http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/ and enjoying my absolute favourite 'House Music' www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_music
I will briefly mention, that I have been thinking about the brilliance of the Deepa Mehta http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepa_Mehtafilm 'FIRE' www.youtube.com/watch?v=243wjJ_Z8yI / www.youtube.com/watch?v=RewNn2r2P3g
However, just for today, I am going to give you my incomplete 2009 itinerary.
Thurs 19th Feb, 15th 'Diva Magazine www.divamag.co.uk/ Talk at The Women's Library www.londonmet.ac.uk/thewomenslibrary/
Tues 3rd Mar, Tina Turner www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tina_Turner concert at The o2 www.theo2.co.uk/
Sun 26th April, St George's Gala at The Royal Albert Hall www.royalalberthall.com/
Thurs 28th May, Eric Clapton www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Clapton concert at The royal Albert Hall www.royalalberthall.com/
Tues 2nd June, Cathcart Spring Proms at The Royal Albert Hall www.royalalberthall.com/
Wed 10th June, Britney Spears www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britney_Spears concert at The o2 www.theo2.co.uk/
Sat 12th Dec, UB40 www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UB40 concert at The o2 www.theo2.co.uk/
I can't help falling in Love with you
by UB40
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