Today is my day is my day off, as I will be working this weekend.
I have just received the Children Looked After Statuary Review Record of Discussion and Decisions, dated 13th Nov 2008, for my son in the post. It reads in the main as follows:
Child / young person's participation in the review process
(My son) was present for certain parts of the review and was seen alone and individually consulted with the Reviewing Officer outside of review. Child physically attends and speaks for themself.
The Care Plan for (my son) continues to be long term fostering, matched and approved with present Carers.
Summary of Review Discussion
There has been no changes to those living in household since the last review. Supervising Social Worker confirmed that clothing is satisfactory and appropriate for all seasons.
(My son) is still involved in his social / activity clubs and interacts well with the children in his groups / clubs.
Peter (male Carer) will be taking (my son) and his friend Declan skiing for ten days in February. Details to be passed to Social Worker who will provide a letter stating that they are the long term carers for (my son) and allowing him to travel.
Savings are ongoing and Social Worker to record amount on file. Lyn advised that balance is currently £625.
Life Story Work is ongoing.
Supervising Social Worker reported that CRB check on Suzy (who baby sits - my son - sometimes) has been sent off, and she will highlight to the new team that police check on Derrick and his wife is to be followed up.
Social Worker, Patricia St Claire-Smith has now been allocated to (my son) ans she met him, Lyn and Ms Stewart-Williams today, who states that they were glad this case has now been allocated to a permanent member of staff. Lyn stated that they have had no Social Work visits sin the last review and have been dependent on Supervising Social Worker and although she has given them good input, they look forward to receiving support for the Social Work team. Lyn stated that they are pleased that future Social Work visits will be carried out four weekly as they feel (my son) needs to build a relationship with Social Worker.
Health - (My son) is in good general health and there are no concerns. Lyn (Carer) stated that he eats well but has not been sleeping well lately, although he has lots of energy. Lyn thinks that this is just a phase.
Dentist seen on 31.08.08 and Optician seen on 30.01.08 - no concerns Stat medical carried out on 24.01.08
Lyn reported that (my son) complains of cramp when he walks a long way and he seems to flap when he walks. Social Worker to follow up referral regarding flat feet wit Medical Advisor / consult wit Lyn Reay (CLA Nurse) within two weeks of review. Supervising Social Worker suggested that Lyn take (my son) to her GP which might illicit a speedier response.
Education - (My son) attends The Rudolph Steiner School of South West London in Wood Field, which is a private school financed by Ms Stewart-Williams. Ms Rowe, his teacher, fed back that there are no concerns and (my son) is doing really well. His writing is coming on; he enjoys school and is happy. He is a good reader and is on / above average.
(My son) stated that enjoys school and loves the Lantern Walk which they have on the 11th November in memory of St Martin.
PEP is out of date and Social Worker will arrange this within two weeks of review.
(My son) is to be nominated for a Lambeth education / achievement award.
Contact - Mother - Unsupervised contact continues from 2.00pm - 6.30pm on Saturdays and this is going well / no issues. Christmas contact to be arranged between Carers and Ms Stewart-Williams.
Telephone contact continues every other week.
Care Plan - Long Term fostering - matched and approved with present carers. Carers have recently had their annual review which was positive and it was acknowledged that (my son's) contribution to this was really positive.
AOB - Lyn stated that (my son) is growing very quickly and is a thoughtful, intelligent child and is getting on really well.
Supervising Social Worker (Carol) advised that she would be leaving her post and wished Carer, (my son) and Ms Stewart-Williams well.
Carol advised that she is still attempting to obtain the address of (my son's) previous Carers / Agency (this is not on framework) and will endeavour to complete this task before she leaves.
Date of next review - 23rd April 2009.